The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 1043 Anti-routine fans (six more)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

[I love the male god so much! Hahaha, amazing my male god! handsome! Well done boy! What kind of brain does this have to be able to find the perpetrator so quickly. 】

[It's so awesome, I feel that the male god is really admirable. 】

[I want to marry, ah, ah, as if I am listening to the legend of a male god. 】


But also because of the ferment of this incident, although the premiere broadcast volume of the second episode of "Extremely Fast" was not as high as expected, the current playback volume has far exceeded the level of the same period.

Many people rewatched the show because they felt they had misunderstood "The Extremely Fast".

The painting style on the bullet screen has also completely changed.

[Looking at it carefully, I feel that it is really a plagiarized program, and the editing is more professional. 】

[Yes, it seems that the shooting method is different. 】

[Although it is the same game, the techniques used in this program, the color tone of the camera and the shooting method are more than one grade better than the plagiarized program. 】

[Ah, it's been three times, I said at the beginning that it wasn't plagiarism! No one believed me yet, and this time it was finally avenging my shame. Hahaha! 】

[It's really beautiful, the male god Shu Cheng is still so handsome, the bullfighter really made me amazed. 】

[Hahaha, fans of Shu Cheng drift by, support the male god! Support "The Amazing Race"! ! ! 】


This time, the matter of plagiarism has come to an end.

Shu Cheng was lazily leaning against the head of the bed, the computer was placed on his lap, his fingers were dancing on the keyboard, writing a novel.

Regarding the small lock of "Gone with the Wind", she has already completed two-thirds of it. According to her speed, she can see the ending in two days.

But for the specific ending, Shu Cheng felt that he still had to "discuss" and "discuss" with fans.

She hooked the corners of her mouth evilly, then swiped off the phone screen and opened the V blog.

[An Zhiruosu v: The new book is about to be completed, what kind of ending do you hope for? 】

[Fuck! An Da, you have been missing for a long time, and finally appeared, I miss you so much! 】

[Yes, I miss you to death! This comes and goes without a trace, but it makes us think so hard! 】

[Hey wait! etc! Is Anda talking about publishing a new book this time? Ah ah ah ah ah? The new book is almost ready, isn't it? 】

[What ending? Well. This is something to think about. But I still hope it is the ending of HE. 】

[Fuck, you guys are stupid, it's been so long since you've seen each other, have you forgotten about Anda's peeing behavior? What she is best at is playing tricks on us, and this time she must be asking the opposite way. If we say HE, then maybe what she wrote is a tragedy! ! ! 】

【Ah, what you said makes sense. Anda is indeed such a person. We should really pay attention to his routine. 】

【Then I want to watch the tragedy! 】

【right! Anda, we want to see tragedy! 】

[What the hell, if you put it the other way around, wouldn't people like me who want to watch tragedies say they want to watch comedies? The world is in chaos! 】

[It seems to be too... It's really hard to be a fan of Anda, it's a battle of wits and courage. 】

[……………… Then, should we talk about tragedy or comedy? ? Who will give me an answer. 】


Shu Cheng looked helplessly at his group of fans, his IQ was really worrying.

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