The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 1044 (seventh update)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

Shu Cheng put his fingers on the keyboard, some people said they wanted to watch a tragedy, others said they wanted to watch a comedy.

Facing such mixed opinions, Shu Cheng resolutely decided that she would find another way.

That being the case, leave an ending for everyone to guess.

Don't talk dead, don't write the story alive.

Shu Cheng squinted his long and narrow eyes, and tapped his fingers quickly.

Shu Cheng's speed was astonishing. After two hours, he was about to finish writing this novel.

For the rest, leave it for another day when you feel better. Shu Cheng tore open a piece of candy, ate it leisurely, and turned off the computer.


In the hospital, Zhang Qianbo changed out of his hospital gown and put on a Hanfu.

"How is it?" Although the corners of Zhang Qianbo's mouth were still a little pale, he had the strength to speak and he could move around freely.

Liu Tinger looked at him, today is the day to be discharged from the hospital, after so many days of waiting and anticipation, his condition has finally improved, and Liu Tinger finally heard the doctor say that Zhang Qianbo can be discharged from the hospital.

She thought it was a dream at first, and confirmed with the doctor repeatedly, and finally found out that in the doctor's firm tone, she confirmed the fact that Zhang Qianbo was discharged from the hospital.

She looked at Zhang Qianbo, lost in thought.

Zhang Qianbo smiled softly, and waved his big palm in front of Liu Tinger: "What are you thinking?"

"Ah?" Liu Tinger came back to her senses, seeing the person she liked so vividly in front of her, with a bit of warmth in her heart, she smiled sweetly, and nodded vigorously, "Yeah, it fits very well, very handsome!"

This is the first time for Zhang Qianbo to wear Hanfu outside of filming. His bright and clear eyes fell on Liu Tinger's blue cross-collared Hanfu, "You are also beautiful like this."

Liu Ting'er lowered her head shyly, and stretched out a slender finger to hook the broken hair that fell on both sides of her cheeks behind her ears.

"Finally I can be discharged from the hospital." Liu Ting'er couldn't help sighing.

"Thank you for your hard work these days." Zhang Qianbo looked at Liu Ting'er's thin cheeks.

Liu Ting'er raised her head, her clear eyes flickered a few times: "What are you talking about, you are like this because of me."

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this, anyway, I am alive and well now, and there is nothing to do at all. I think I can go back to work on the set after I rest for two more days." Zhang Qianbo patted his chest and proudly picked Frown.

"No. Your body still needs to rest for a while." Liu Ting'er was a little anxious when she heard Zhang Qianbo say this.

"The crew has been delayed by us for a long time, and we can't delay any longer. I think it is still necessary to make up for the previous scenes as soon as possible, and I think my body is not so delicate. The filming is still bearable." Zhang Qianbo rang Because of my own affairs, I have delayed the shooting progress for a long time, and I am very guilty.

Liu Ting'er knew Zhang Qianbo well. He had a strong sense of responsibility, and he didn't want to cause trouble for anyone. It was probably because of his qualities that he was deeply attracted to him.

She pondered for a while, and finally said: "Okay, but you still have to rest for a few days. Otherwise, I'm really worried."

"Okay." Zhang Qianbo readily agreed, smiling softly and rubbing Liu Tinger's hair.

Both of them were reluctant to cause trouble to others, so they came out secretly when they were discharged from the hospital. Zhang Qianbo didn't tell others about it until they got home.

In the crew of "Sword of Heaven".

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