Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

"But I really want to feel the murderous aura of your family's Rongjunyi. If I accidentally get closer to you during the challenge today, will I be killed by him immediately?" Chen Wen said. Comparing a neck-severing expression.

"Um...that's really possible." Shu Cheng rubbed his chin and said thoughtfully.

"Ah???" Chen Wen yelled, her legs were so frightened that her legs went limp, she turned her head and took a peek at Rong Junyi, and found that his eyes were also looking at Shu Cheng.

"..." Ma Ma, is it too late to go home now?

Shu Cheng glanced at Chen Wen's appearance, and couldn't help laughing.

"However, he generally disdains to attack people like you." Shu Cheng shrugged, raised his eyebrows and said to Chen Wen.

"Ah, I'm scared to death. Boy, are you really okay with this? Are you panting so much when you talk?" Chen Wen patted her chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, let's finish introducing the new players. Next, I would like to congratulate you all for embarking on the new territory of our "Ford" - the African continent."

"We all know that the environment in Africa is very dry and lacks water. Here, the kicking guests and the environment will be stumbling blocks on your way to the championship."

"Then the first stop you need to go to the wildlife sanctuary to find your clues! Are you ready?"

The host shouted excitedly.

"Ready!" The contestants said in unison, their morale was high.

"Okay, then, three! Two! One! Go!"

Following the host's order, the contestants began to rush forward quickly.

At the first stop, the information character - Fantastic Friend.

Namibia has the largest grassland reserve in Africa, where our wonderful friends live. They are fierce, alert, mysterious, or cute. They are scattered in different parts of the grassland waiting for the arrival of the contestants.

Accompanied by animal experts, the contestants drove on the prairie to find these animal friends and had intimate interactions with them.

The contestants rushed to the task site quickly.

But those who arrive later are in danger of choosing a more difficult animal.

Shu Cheng still maintained his usual style, and did not speed up his pace at all.

The same is true for the Rongjun Post on the side.

Chen Wen stood between the two of them, sweating profusely. She was surprised that she was sweating in such a hot place in Africa. The aura of the two of them was really terrifying.

But at the same time, the love in the corners of the two people's eyes also surprised Chen Wen.

On this show, at such an intense moment, they still had time to eyeball each other.

But helplessly, Chen Wen has always hugged Shu Cheng's thigh, and now even if she has any opinions, she can only hold back and walk forward following Shu Cheng's pace.

"Will it be hot?" Rong Junyi looked at the sun shining on Shu Cheng's face, and his deep voice came out unhurriedly, with a bit of gentleness.

"It's very hot, but I won't let you in later, it's useless for you to be so gentle to me now." Shu Cheng raised his eyebrows slyly, with an expression that had seen through Rong Junyi's purpose.

When Rong Junyi heard what Shu Cheng said, the corners of his mouth twitched, the young man's desire to win has always been very strong, and he was still thinking whether he should let her wait.

But while thinking about it, Rong Junyi had already come to Shu Cheng's left side, separating Chen Wen by a distance.

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