The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 1070 (second update)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

Chen Wen also backed away tactfully, her little heart was pounding, she had better be a small light bulb with a very, very low sense of existence, but she must not affect the daily love between other couples.

Chen Wen was roaring in her heart, but on the surface she was very calm.

The three of them dawdled and finally arrived at the mission location. The other teams had already selected relatively simple animals. Now what is left to Shu Cheng, Rong Junyi and the others are the most terrifying African leopards and lions. .

Wait, if you want to interact with these two animals, it is much more difficult than the baboons and monkeys chosen by the previous teams.

Just when Chen Wen was worried, Shu Cheng and Rong Junyi started to study which of the remaining two animals was more powerful...

"I'll let you choose first, and you leave the stronger one to me." Shu Cheng crossed his hands, looking at the several animals on the task list indifferently, without any expression of fear.

The same is true for Rong Junyi, with a tall and handsome figure standing steadily, without any expression on his stern and deep face, looking at those tasks, as if looking at some kind of pediatric stuff.

"Then I'll choose the lion." Rong Junyi said in a deep voice, with a calm demeanor, as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him.

"What?" Chen Wen almost spit out the water just now.

How could a leopard be as powerful as a lion? ?

But looking back at Rong Junyi's eyes, he knew that Rong Junyi must have chosen the more powerful one first, and left a slightly safer leopard for Shu Cheng's safety.

Fuck, Chen Wen growled in her heart.

He was inexplicably fed another handful of dog food.

But even if a leopard is not as powerful as a lion, it is still very scary.

Shu Cheng glanced at Rong Junyi blankly, and instantly understood Rong Junyi's thoughts, his heart warmed, and he was healed by the tenderness of her daughter-in-law.

But Shu Cheng just shrugged and waved his hand: "Okay, the leopard is a leopard, I will definitely be the first to complete the task."

"Let's go." Rong Junyi's voice carried an unparalleled sex appeal.

As a result, the two groups embarked on the road to find the beast in the African safari park.

They need to take photos with these ferocious animals, and they need to touch the animals with their hands and feed the animals.

The other team members either haven't found the animal yet, or after finding it, they dare not approach the animal because of inner fear.

These beasts are terrifying.

But Shu Cheng found the lion first, without the slightest fear, she approached the leopard with a relaxed expression.

Chen Wen stood aside, covering her mouth and screaming.

Shu Cheng frowned, and said coldly and domineeringly: "Shut up, you will scare them."

"..." The corners of Chen Wen's mouth twitched...they scared me.

What about your tenderness towards girls at the beginning?

She stood there wanting to cry but without tears, looking at the leopard's ferocious painted face and the wickedly sharp fangs when it opened its mouth wide, she felt her legs go weak and she dared not move at all.

But after being yelled by Shu Cheng just now, she didn't dare to yell any more, for fear that those beasts would be really frightened, and then rush up and eat herself.

As for Shu Cheng, he walked to the leopard's side unhurriedly, bent down, and stroked his head like a friend, with a relaxed expression, and the iconic evil smile hanging on the corner of his mouth.

"Wow." Chen Wen sighed with a laugh.

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