Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

The people in the program group nodded...

Well, it does make sense, Shu Cheng has always had a wild and unruly personality, no matter what others say, it doesn't matter, and her medical skills are so good, she will probably figure out what to do by herself.

It was the first time for the program team to see such an indifferent guest.

If something happened to other guests, they had to be checked by the doctor several times, and then asked several times whether there would be scars or not.

From this point of view, Shu Cheng is quite reassuring.

Just when Shu Cheng and the others got the mission card for the next level, someone finally came to the ostrich competition site.

"Ah, I heard that there was an accident when Shu Cheng was riding an ostrich?? Is it true? Does it matter?" Gao Huaibo and Gao Lingjia were the first to come over. They had just heard the news from the program crew. , asked nervously.

The people in the program team said truthfully: "Yes, but Shu Cheng's own skills are good, and there is nothing else to do now. They are now going to the next challenge location."

"Ah?? Is that because of the ostriches? When we go to ride an ostrich, will there be any accidents?" Gao Lingjia cried out excitedly, looking at the tall ostriches not far away, taking a deep breath He took a breath, and his voice was still a little trembling.

"I have been checked by the coach and the breeder. The ostrich just now was probably frightened by something. It has been taken down, and there is no problem now. The other ostriches are safe, and you can start the challenge." The program team Go on.

Gao Lingjia was slightly relieved when he heard the news.

"Okay, it's okay, just wait and let me challenge." Gao Huaibo patted Gao Lingjia's shoulder and said firmly.

Seeing her father having such courage, Gao Lingjia immediately felt admiration in his heart, and the deep sense of fear disappeared a lot in an instant.


On this side, Shu Cheng and Rong Junyi have already arrived at the next mission location.

Chen Wen still asked worriedly along the way: "Shu Cheng, that ostrich was really scary just now, I think the program crew didn't do a good job this time, otherwise how could the ostrich suddenly get out of control. "

But neither Shu Cheng nor Rong Junyi paid any attention to Chen Wen, and let her think about it by herself.

Rong Junyi pondered for a while, then said to Shu Cheng: "It was too dangerous just now, don't be too willful next time."

Although he said so, Rong Junyi's tone was not reproachful, but gentle.

Shu Cheng felt that Rong Junyi was not angry at the moment, so he finally breathed a sigh of relief, pursed his thin lips and did not speak, and looked ahead.

Rong Junyi gently touched Shu Cheng's short black hair, and everyone walked forward without saying a word.

The third task point is the information task. Players need to follow the enthusiastic guide into the tribe and experience the primitive life of the Bushmen. After the experience, they will extract questions about the details of the scene, and if they answer correctly, they can go to the relay station.

And the last player to reach the relay station may be eliminated.

"Wow! Bushmen, I've heard of this since I was a child, and now there is such a link, I'm so excited." Chen Wen began to think that she might be able to help with this task.

"Then stop talking nonsense and let's go." Shu Cheng said lightly.

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