Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

In fact, the most important part of this link is to follow the Bushmen to complete the designated actions, but these actions are very complicated, and a strong memory is required to memorize them all.

After Shu Cheng easily followed the bushman's movements, he had completely memorized them.

"Have you written it down? Are you going to do this part?" Shu Cheng raised his eyebrows deliberately and asked Chen Wen.

Chen Wen spread her hands helplessly...

"Uh, actually, I just said it casually just now. Just pretend you didn't hear it." Chen Wen said helplessly. She still underestimated the ability of the program group to manipulate people. With so many actions, she was not as good as Shu Cheng. How could his brain be able to remember all of a sudden? ?

Shu Cheng chuckled, found a random place to sit down, and said unhurriedly: "But this is a task challenge, you can't rely on me every time, I'm not up to this link, you come."

"What? Are you so self-willed?? If you let me go, it is very likely that we will lose." Chen Wen jumped excitedly.

"The time I won for you just now is enough for you." Shu Cheng said lightly, without any intention of getting up.

Rong Junyi also took advantage of the opportunity to sit beside Shu Cheng, and said solemnly: "Go, I will wait for you here too."

"Wow. Don't you guys want to take this opportunity to fall in love here? You are not human anymore, do you really want to let a weak woman like me go?" Chen Wen began to show her acting skills, looking at Shu Cheng pitifully .

Shu Cheng has always been thinking about what to do, now that he has decided, he will not change easily: "Practice a few more times and remember, you are not a fool."

What? ? Fool? ?

The corner of Chen Wen's mouth twitched, feeling that she was being provoked.

To prove that I am not a fool. She raised her head excitedly, took a deep breath, and clenched her fists: "Okay! Then I'll go."

With that said, Chen Wen turned around and continued to follow the Boormans to learn the movements.


Shu Cheng and Rong Junyi sat under the shade of a tree, looking into the distance, in front of them was the endless desert, their arrogance was suffocating.

"Ah Xiaorong, I feel that feeling is coming again, and we are getting closer and closer." Shu Cheng let go of his aloofness and strength in front of Rong Junyi, and said with a gloomy face.

"No matter what, I'll be by your side, don't be nervous." Rong Junyi wrapped his arms around Shu Cheng's shoulders, let her lean into his arms, and said in a deep voice.

"A Xiaorong, have you ever thought that one day the two of us will be separated?" Shu Cheng thought pessimistically. Although she firmly believed that she was omnipotent, there was a certain mysterious power that followed her all the time. Dangers that could happen everywhere made Shu Cheng nervous and frightened.

"Don't talk nonsense! Even if we separate, even if I search the world, I will bring you back." Rong Junyi said heavily, with a firm and arrogant tone in his tone.

Shu Cheng pursed his lips and said nothing, put his hands on his knees, and looked into the distance with a handsome figure, but his eyes were somewhat confused.


The two sat for a long time, and finally got the good news from Chen Wen.

Holding the clue card of the relay station, she appeared between Shu Cheng and Rong Junyi.

He raised his eyebrows proudly.

"Hahaha, Rong Junyi, it seems that you are going to fail in the competition. Although you are very handsome, I hope you can win, but this is a competition after all. As a member of the program team, I can't start giving up on me. Teammates, I'm so sorry. We have to go to the relay station first." Chen Wen said a lot, and she came to you with a very smug expression.

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