Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

"What are you playing this time? If Rong Junyi and Shu Cheng are on the same team, then there are ten detour missions, and we have no chance of winning." Gao Ling's family sighed helplessly.

"Daughter, don't forget that the purpose of our participation in this program is to challenge ourselves. When we see that our opponent is stronger than ourselves, don't always think about failure. We just need to do our best and complete every task well. No matter what the final result is, we should face it calmly." Gao Huaibo said to Gao Lingjia earnestly.

"En." Gao Lingjia was instantly relieved, and every word Gao Huaibo said was engraved in her heart. She nodded firmly, not forgetting her original intention, and it was enough to move on.


Of course, the members of Shu Cheng's team on the opposite side were all cheering.

Chen Wen's eyes glowed with excitement: "Then we are really sure to win this time, Rong Junyi and Shu Chengye, it's so cool, I'm sorry, I'm going to be a salted fish again for this challenge .”

Then, the host announced the start of the game: "The first event is the island stilt kicking coconut fight. Stilt kicking coconut is the most traditional game activity of Mauritians. The contestants have to step on stilts to kick coconuts on the longest beach in Mauritius. This round of confrontation adopts a three-game two-win system. Each team will send two players to participate in each game. Two teams need to determine the players and order before the competition. Except for the kicking guests, each team member is guaranteed to participate in at least one game. Competition. Each pair has eight minutes of practice before the game. The game officially begins, and within five minutes, the player who scores the first goal wins. During the game, if a player falls off the stilts, they need to step on the stilts in place to continue the game and finally win The team will get two points."

Say the rules of the game.

The brother-sister group gained confidence in an instant, and Zhang Xin excitedly said to the Gao Lingjia woman: "My brother knows this, he has learned this before, it's no problem."

Everyone started to practice with stilts, and Zhang Jing patiently taught his teammates to master balance and skills.

It is actually very difficult to maintain balance on stilts, not to mention the confrontation of kicking coconuts. The most important thing is that their opponents are still so strong, so they began to practice harder.

On the other side, Shu Cheng and Rong Junyi clasped their arms around their chests, watching their teammates practice.

"It's too miserable. What kind of rules are these? I thought I could be a salted fish. I didn't expect that every player in the first round of the game would be required to play. It's really too miserable." Chen Wen growled Howling, trying to balance on stilts.

"Stop talking nonsense, look at your family, Chen Liya and Pan Shaocheng, and then at you." Shu Cheng frowned and complained about Chen Wen.

Chen Wen looked around and saw Chen Liya practicing, while Pan Shaocheng gently guided Chen Liya beside him, and wiped the sweat off her forehead intimately.

"Take your time and don't rush."

"Pay attention to maintaining your balance. Come and let me hold you. Be brave and go forward."

"Don't be afraid, it won't fall, I'll be right next to you to protect you."

"Then you must support me, or I will really fall."

"Okay, I promise you."

"Well, yes, it's pretty standard, it's great, that's it. That's right. That's good, keep going."

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