Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

Chen Wen suddenly felt that she was about to spit out a mouthful of old blood, what is it? ? ?

Now Rong Junyi and Shu Cheng show their affection in front of him, but Chen Liya and Pan Shaocheng are also flirting with each other in front of him.

She felt that she was really miserable.

Being abused like this.

Under Pan Shaocheng's gentle and patient guidance, Chen Liya has begun to look a little bit more complex.

Looking at herself again, she has not stood up from the stilts for a long time, she looked up to the sky and screamed: "Brothers, don't you help me, a weak girl? I really can't do it. Can't you come and help me? "

As she said that, Chen Wen cast her eyes on Shu Cheng with a pitiful look.

Then, Rong Junyi stood in front of Shu Cheng, and a chilling look fell on Chen Wen.

Chen Wen had no choice but to retract her eyes weakly.

Forget it, let's practice by ourselves.

Shu Cheng glanced at Chen Wen indifferently, she was just yelling indiscriminately, and she practiced pretty well, but when she saw Chen Liya and Pan Shaocheng showing affection, she became delicate.

"Didn't it be good just now? Hurry up and continue." Shu Cheng continued to stand beside Rong Junyi handsomely, with a stern face, and shouted at Chen Wen.

Chen Wen curled her lips, but her skills are not bad.

Shu Cheng said lightly to Rong Junyi: "She's just lazy."

Chen Wen: "..."

Eight minutes passed quickly.

The challenge has officially begun.

Rong Junyi found a place to sit down, his sitting posture was unrestrained and elegant, with a kind of handsome and refined that made people unable to speak.

His eyes were heavy, watching their match scene, his eyes kept on Shu Cheng's body, and he didn't leave.

"Come on! Come on! Come on!" Zhang Xin cheered on her brother next to her.

"Come on, Shu Cheng!! Come on, Shu Cheng! Ahhh!! Come on, Shu Cheng!!"

Not to be outdone, Chen Wen shouted for cheer, completely forgetting that she was still on stilts.

"The game begins!" With the order of the referee.

The scene suddenly shouted enthusiastically.

In the first round, Shu Cheng and Chen Wen fought against Gao Lingjia and Gao Huaibo's father and daughter.

As the game begins.

The two teams began to move forward. However, as soon as Shu Cheng made a move, everyone gasped.

"Shu Cheng's one step is equal to other people's ten small steps." Chen Liya couldn't help sighing in the audience.

"Gao Lingjia and the others definitely have no way to win now." Zhang Xin sighed helplessly.

"That's not necessarily the case. Look at the back and there is someone who is dragging back." Zhang Jing said with a suppressed smile, looking at Chen Wen who was standing behind Shu Cheng and couldn't walk.

Gao Lingjia couldn't help but glanced at Chen Wen, and she felt a little more confident in her heart.

Then Gao Lingjia and Gao Huaibo will do their best to fight against Shu Cheng.

"Come on, come on, come on!" The crowd in the audience began to shout more fiercely.

Then, when everyone didn't expect it, Shu Cheng touched the coconut first, stretched out his foot casually, and kicked the coconut far away.

"That's right, that's right!! Chen Wen, come on!" After Shu Cheng successfully kicked the ball out, Chen Wen finally got a bit better.

Chen Liya desperately gave Chen Wen confidence in the audience.

Hearing the shouts from the audience, Chen Wen took a deep breath, and suddenly gained a lot of courage. Chen Liya is worthy of being a member of the Chen family like herself, and she is loyal enough at critical times.

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