Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

The first group was challenged by Zhang Jing and the others.

Several people were full of confidence and had no fear of high-altitude challenges, including Gao Lingjia, who did their best for their teammates.

They use their fastest speed to fight for honor.

Standing on the runway, Zhang Jing rushed forward without blinking his eyes, and entered the bottom of the sea in an instant. Then, Zhang Jing rescued Zhang Xin as quickly as possible, and successfully released Zhang Xin from the shackles.

Then, Gao Huaibo came on the stage. Although he was the oldest in the audience, his physical strength and endurance could not keep up with the footsteps of young people, but when he saw Zhang Jing's fighting spirit just now, he said frankly to the camera: "His actions just now made me feel that this matter is quite exciting. Every time he plays the game, he puts it into it with the most serious attitude. I was still a little bit uncertain, but seeing Zhang Jing like this, I suddenly had a It’s a blood-boiling feeling.”

As a result, this state infected one another, and Gao Huaibo and Gao Lingjia also completed their tasks.


Chen Wen and the others saw that the other party had completed the task, and immediately felt great pressure.

"Everyone, don't panic, we still have a chance." Chen Wen took a deep breath and clenched her fists to boost morale.

Everyone is silent...

No one is panicking.

Anyway, Shu Cheng already said it, just take it as a way to get some points to play.

Chen Wen has always been a little afraid of heights, but she felt that she had regained a little courage when she jumped with Shu Cheng when she was bungee jumping before, and she began to gain a little confidence in this task.

"Do you think they will win?" Rong Junyi let Shu Cheng lean on his legs, chatting in a leisurely and natural way.

Shu Cheng curled his lips lazily: "According to the opponent's speed just now, we will not win."

"However, I just want to see if Chen Wen has grown up after participating in these episodes." Shu Cheng paused and continued.

The two of them leaned leisurely on the board of the boat, they didn't look like people waiting to be rescued at all. If they didn't see the chains on Shu Cheng's feet, some people might think that the two of them were on vacation.

"You still care about that woman?" Rong Junyi lowered his eyes, with jealousy in his tone.

"Oh, A Xiaorong, you look so cute when you are jealous. I just think that since she has come to participate in the show, if she grows up, it will make the game more fun. It's too boring to always ask me to challenge " Shu Cheng waved his hand and said very naturally.

The two were talking, and the challenge over there had already begun.

The first one was Chen Wen's appearance. She looked at the height under her feet and swallowed hard. The scorching sun above her head made her feel that everything around her was in a trance.

Chen Wen suppressed her emotions and discomfort, thinking that she had already boasted in front of Shu Cheng, and that the other group had done so well, if she hesitated at this time, she would only let the whole team accompany her. Let yourself lose the game together. How could she drag down the entire team? This was a last stand.

These psychological struggles took place in Shu Cheng's heart, and Chen Liya and Pan Shaocheng behind him continued to cheer for Shu Cheng.

"It's okay! Come on! Come on!"

"Just jump down! Don't be afraid!"

"It's safe, just go down! Jump down, don't be afraid!"


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