Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

Shu Cheng also couldn't help but cast a glance in Chen Wen's direction. On the surface, he remained calm, still maintaining his cool and evil style.

Then, Chen Wen took a few deep breaths and began to rush forward.

Finally, she mustered up the courage to take that step.

She reacted from the fright at that second, and then after adapting to the high altitude, Chen Wen began to wave to the friends around her.

"Wow, it's really not easy because she looks so weak. I'm still worried about her."

"I think Chen Wen is a very strong person in her heart. Well, very strong."

Pan Shaocheng and Chen Liya were talking.

Then Wu Xin relieved himself of the coercion at the bottom of the sea, tried his best to swim forward, and finally came to Shu Cheng's side, and successfully unlocked Shu Cheng's chain with the key.

Shu Cheng put on a grandpa pose, and waited for Chen Wen to untie the chain. Shu Cheng said with a smile: "It seems that you can come to the future challenges alone."

Chen Wen heard the praise in Shu Cheng's words, squinted her eyes and said with a smile: "I know I'm very good."

Then, Shu Cheng's next person was Chen Liya. She wasn't very good at swimming. Although she wasn't afraid of heights, after she jumped into the water, Chen Liya moved very slowly, and it took a lot of time to swim to Shu Cheng's side. Release the second shackles for Shu Cheng.

The finale was Pan Shaocheng. The two girls in front had already tried their best, so he naturally couldn't show weakness. He performed all the movements perfectly, and he also used his last speed to come to Shu Cheng's side.

A few people sat on the deck, leisurely, not knowing the result yet, but already immersed in the joy of victory.

"I think winning or losing is not important to me now. What is more important is the team spirit and the joy of challenging myself. The moment I jumped off just now, I felt that there was light behind me, like The feeling of Ultraman's debut." Chen Wen recalled the scene just now, with a smug smile on the corner of her mouth, her eyes squinted, and standard Mandarin summed up her feelings just now.

"Although we lost this time, we performed pretty well." Shu Cheng said in a deep voice, his sexy and touching voice drifting on the sea.

"Hey, hey, Shu Cheng. For the sake of my hard work just now, can you think of my good, what is it that we lost?" Chen Wen glanced at Shu Cheng indignantly.

Shu Cheng leaned on Rong Junyi indifferently: "If you don't believe me, wait and see."

Next, the referee announces the result of the game.

"Shu Cheng's team, your time is eight minutes." The referee glanced at Shu Cheng's team and said word by word.

There aren't too many fluctuations in the air. Everyone's obsession with this score is useless now. The most important thing is to look at the opponent's score.

"Then Zhang Jing's team, your time is seven minutes and fifty seconds."

"Then congratulations to Zhang Jing's team for winning this competition."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! We finally won a game! I'm so touched." Zhang Xin shouted excitedly.

Several people hugged together.

"It's really not easy, Shu Cheng's team is so strong, we were able to defeat it.!"

"I'm so touched, I finally got two points, it's really great!"


Chen Wen looked enviously at the cheering appearance of the opposing team, and sighed softly.

Chen Liya stepped forward to comfort her: "It's okay, our performance just now was great."

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