Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

Hearing Yang Linling's words, Zhang Qianbo was overwhelmed. Liu Tinger made a set of Hanfu for himself, and he had always wanted to make some gifts for Liu Tinger. Yang Linling's idea immediately hit Zhang Qianbo's heart.

"But aren't you busy recently? Do you have time?" Zhang Qianbo frowned worriedly.

"You are my best friends, so what's the point of taking a little time out for your friends? If you want to do it, you may need to hurry up, or I'll go to the studio to take a look later?"

Zhang Qianbo was moved. Hearing Yang Linling say that he and Liu Ting'er were her best friends, his impression of Yang Linling got better.

"Okay, I'll trouble you then, I'll treat you to dinner with Ting'er later."

"Well, it's all trivial, it's all trivial." Yang Linling waved his hand casually, smiling secretly in his heart. In this way, he and Zhang Qianbo would have more chances to get along alone.

Although this kind of getting along may not change anything, she still has to try. Maybe after being alone for a certain time, the relationship between herself and Zhang Qianbo will turn for the better?


On the other hand, the new episode of "Extreme Speed" continues to air.

Many people prepared snacks, used the fastest network, and waited for the live broadcast.

The content broadcast this time is the first episode of Rongjunyi kicking the hall. Because of the appearance of Rongjunyi, the whole network exploded.

Almost everyone is crazy.

The barrage almost exploded the screen. The popularity was three times that of the variety shows in the same period. The traffic was so amazing that people couldn't believe it. Such unprecedented popularity almost caused the video client to crash.

The bullet screens are displayed separately, and every time Rong Junyi and Shu Cheng are in the same frame, there will be an explosion.

[Fuck! so handsome! These two are a match made in heaven! ! ! ! 】

[Give me oxygen, I'm going crazy, CP! ! This is the first time I fan a pair of CP fans like this, I feel suffocated every minute! ! ! 】

[He's so handsome, look, Rong Junyi is about to challenge, he's going to play! ! 】

[Male God and Rong Junyi, it's so simple, have you found out? Rong Junyi's eyes fell on the player on stage the whole time, and he never moved away!!!]

[Holy shit, it's so warm, and I even feed the male god candy. Now who is going to feed me a candy, I think I'm going to faint immediately due to hypoglycemia. 】

[High energy ahead! ! ! High energy ahead! ! ! 】


Then, the picture of Rong Junyi completing the task of riding an ostrich in the shortest time appeared on the screen. The operation was suffocating and the speed was jaw-dropping.

[God-like existence! He and the male god's aura simply don't match too well. The two of them are the most suitable in the whole world, the old man's girlish heart is about to burst! ! 】

[I am now besides shit, what else can I say? Can anyone tell me what else can I say? ? ? 】

[God, what a handsome comparison! ! 】

[It's awesome, I don't think it's a problem for this show to be popular for a few more years. I can watch this episode dozens of times. So handsome! ! 】


At the same time, the people sent by Shu Cheng and Rong Junyi to investigate also got news.

The previous investor in Africa happened to be a relative of the royal family in Mauritius, Africa. His name was Oleg. He had a messy relationship with the underworld and the white world. The camera crew.

I want to completely buy out the copyright of this program and make a big deal in Africa.

Probably because he wanted to get involved in the entertainment industry recently, he planned to start with the show "The Extremely Fast" and take advantage of Africa's unique geographical advantages to carry out all kinds of perverted challenges to satisfy his own entertainment.

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