Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

Unexpectedly, they were rejected by Zhu Minrui and the others.

Shu Cheng received the news that they will come to country Z to negotiate with "Zero Speed" again in the near future. If the negotiation fails this time, Oleg plans to start filming directly without the consent of any copyright organization. .

After Shu Cheng received the news, he told Zhu Minrui to prepare him a bit, but Shu Cheng would also help at any time.

Sure enough, when the fourth episode of Extreme Speed ​​was about to be aired, they started being rejected for various reasons.

It is said that Africa began to sue for the illegal use of the show's venue.

Zhu Minrui threw the table angrily.

"What the hell!! This person is too shameless!" The program group worked so hard to record the program, but because of other people's obstruction, it started to be banned in various ways. It is too much!

Zhu Minrui was so angry that he found Shu Cheng for help.

Shu Cheng's eyes darkened: "Well, it's time to meet this Oleg."

"Then what are we going to do now?" Zhu Minrui looked at Shu Cheng's confident and determined eyes, and felt inexplicably at ease in his heart. As long as there is Shu Chengzi, this show will definitely continue to be broadcast.

"If he comes to talk to you, just shut the door and tell all the investors not to see him. Shut the door first, kill his vigor, and leave the rest to me." Shu Cheng Xie hooked the corner of his mouth recklessly.

The program "Extreme Speed" really made Shu Cheng feel exciting. No matter it was on or off the program, there were so many interesting things waiting for Shu Cheng. I am most happy to do it.

Sure enough, the information Shu Cheng got was accurate. Within a few days, Oleg came to country Z from Mauritius himself, and asked to discuss with Zhu Minrui and the film crew.

But no one paid him any attention.

He was so angry that he stomped his feet, and even let his bodyguards crash into the office building of the program group.

In the end, all of this was expected by Shu Cheng, and there was no one in the office building. After Oleg felt that he had been tricked, he started to smash everything in the office building crazily.

"Extremely Fast Forward" WeChat group.

[Photography team: What to do! ! We heard that all the photographic equipment we left there had been smashed before we could move it out, and I heard that Oleg also said that if he was played, he would let people come here to smash it every day. 】

[Prop group: Oh my god, it's so scary, where did we mess with him, is this person schizophrenic? 】

【Zhu Minrui: Everyone, don't panic, it's fine if you're fine, don't believe what that person says, when he has had enough trouble, he will naturally stop. 】

[Zhang Xin: What happened? Is this the guy who kicked us off the field in Africa? How come the method is the same? Isn't it crazy to smash and throw other people's things if you don't obey? 】

[Chen Liya: I think this person is really schizophrenic, it's really scary, our show is too miserable, and we actually messed with this kind of person. 】

Just when everyone was worried and frightened, Shu Cheng raised the corners of his mouth wantonly, tapped his fingers on the keyboard, and uttered a sentence quickly.

[Shu Cheng: Don't panic, I will make him return these things twice as much. 】

As soon as these words came out, the group cheered, everyone had no doubt about Shu Cheng's ability.

And Oleg, still immersed in his own anger, didn't really know that Shu Cheng had actually participated in this matter, and didn't know that Shu Cheng would help the program team.

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