The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 1115 (seventh update)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

Shu Cheng paused, turned around and left without replying.


And news came from Zhu Minrui.

It is said that Oleg spent a lot of money to poach two staff members of the "Extreme Speed" program group.

Although these two people are not the core backbone, they still took away some color shooting skills and scene skills of the program group.

"This Oleg! He really does everything! Damn it!" Zhu Minrui raised his glasses angrily.

"I already know how to deal with him, now I want to calm you down, don't always get into a rage when you encounter something." Shu Cheng glanced at Zhu Minrui with disgust, feeling that he had some unusual anxiety recently, peaceful and calm The look of composure is quite different.

"Is there something unknown behind him?" Zhu Minrui looked at Shu Cheng suspiciously, and saw that this matter was a little different.

Shu Cheng kept it mysterious: "You will know soon, anyway, this Oleg is not simple."

"The safety of the program group is in your hands." Zhu Minrui sighed helplessly.


Three days later, the airport.

Oleg was followed by a group of bodyguards, who packed a whole passenger plane and planned to return home.

But when he entered the security check, he was stopped by another group of bodyguards.

"Go away! Don't you know who I am?" Oleg stood on the spot with his hips crossed and shouted in a cold voice.

At the same time, several bodyguards standing behind him took a step forward, with a majestic look, ready to fight at any moment.

"Of course I know who you are." Shu Cheng's voice came from the crowd.

The bodyguards tactfully made way for Shu Cheng. Shu Cheng and Rong Junyi walked side by side in the middle. Both of them were wearing black leather clothes. They walked in front of Oleg with handsome and steady steps.

Shu Cheng was still chewing gum in his mouth, and he was ruffian when he spoke.

She looked at Oleg coldly: "Today, you have to keep it."

"Shu Cheng! I've already said that we have no grievances. You are not worth it for a show and being an enemy!" Oleg was afraid of Shu Cheng's strength, even though he was already angry, he didn't dare to show it too much .

"I've said it before, I always do things according to my mood." Shu Cheng said coldly.

As soon as Oleg raised his eyes, he saw Rong Junyi standing in front of him with a gloomy face, a chill came from the bottom of his heart, and his scalp felt numb.

Even the group of bodyguards standing behind Oleg, after recognizing Rong Junyi, unconsciously took a step back, swallowed their saliva, and didn't even dare to look directly at Rong Junyi.

Rong Jun Station!

This well-known man has both black and white, and his methods are cold and insensitive. No one dares to resist wherever he goes.

Even they who are far away in Africa know the name of Rongjunyi.

Anyone who offends this man will die.

Although Oleg's background is not weak, if Rong Junyi wants to deal with him, he has a completely different way of thinking.

After thinking about it again and again, it seems that it is not cost-effective to do this for a program.

Oleg plans to fight a guerrilla with Rong Junyi and Shu Cheng first.

"Shu Cheng, how about this? I'll pay for all the things I broke these days, and I'll pay them ten times. I don't want the copyright of the program group either. I'll go back to Africa from now on. We won't disturb each other. You What do you think?" Oleg took a step back and said.

In front of Shu Cheng and Rong Junyi, he had no choice but to give in.

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