Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

With the two of them on the table, Oleg could only admit that he was unlucky. There hadn't been such a difficult thing to handle before.

With that said, Oleg planned to leave with someone.

Rong Junyi gave a wink, and the bodyguards rushed forward tactfully, and immediately surrounded Oleg.

"Shu Cheng, haven't I already promised not to cause trouble for this show? Why are you stopping me?" Seeing this, Oleg was obviously a little angry.

"I'm here today not only for the program group's affairs, but I'm also very interested in another matter of yours." Shu Cheng embraced his hands, standing in the same place evilly, chewing candy in his mouth.

Oleg looked at Shu Cheng strangely. He and Shu Cheng didn't have any interaction before. Besides the program group, is there anything else?

Shu Cheng took a step forward with his slender legs, moved closer to Oleg, and then said coldly and slyly: "I want to know about those children behind you."

Oleg felt a bang on the top of his head, what?

child thing?

How did Shu Cheng know about this?

Oleg looked at Shu Cheng in disbelief, feeling that his blood was flowing backwards, how much did Shu Cheng know?

His ugly, greasy cheeks were suspicious.

"Don't think about it, I know everything." Shu Cheng said to him every word, every word carried a strong deterrent force.

Oleg looked at Shu Cheng in a panic, his dark lips were trembling.

"You, what do you mean? I don't know what you're talking about."

Seeing that Oleg was still pretending, Shu Cheng smiled and took out some pictures of the children.

It was a picture of some black kids standing on a shooting range.

Oleg's pupils constricted instantly, at this moment, he could conclude that Shu Cheng knew far more than he imagined.

A deep sense of fear invaded.

He looked at Shu Cheng excitedly, and wanted to deny it again: "I don't know these children, why are you showing me this? Shu Cheng, did you misunderstand something? Let's write off the program group. Now I I'm going back home!"

"Stop!" Rong Junyi said heavily, with bloodthirsty killing intent in his scarlet pupils.

Immediately another bodyguard blocked Oleg's way.

"What's wrong?" Oleg turned back trembling.

"Did you go away?" Rong Junyi took a step forward, with a strong sense of oppression on his body, his stern eyes were like a divine residence overlooking all living beings, making people daunting.

Even a person like Oleg, who is used to showing off his power on weekdays, is not worth mentioning in front of Rong Junyi.

"Well, no...then, is there anything else?" Oleg swallowed, looking at Shu Cheng and Rong Junyi nervously.

"Okay, since you don't say it, then I'll kick you out." Shu Cheng's subordinates moved a stool over at some point.

Ask Shu Cheng and Rong Junyi to sit down.

Then, Shu Cheng said unhurriedly: "You trained these children for five years, right? They have been imprisoned in a secret base since they were captured by you. In order to satisfy your perverted Desire, began to use various methods on them, forcing them to undergo inhuman training. Even, hypnotists and psychologists were hired to brainwash these children and make them obey you."

"" Oleg was poked at the pain point, he hesitated and couldn't say a word.

He didn't know what to do.

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