The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 1118 (second update)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

Oleg reported a string of addresses.

After that, Shu Cheng walked over to Rong Junyi's side neatly, putting his slender hands on Rong Junyi's shoulders.

Rong Junyi winked at those bodyguards.

The bodyguard understood and directly tied Oleg up.

"Ah. What are you doing?" Oleg looked excitedly at the bodyguards around him and shouted loudly, not understanding why they had a meeting.

"In order to prevent you from playing tricks, I won't let you leave before I receive these children." Rong Junyi said in a deep voice, with an irresistible majesty.

"Take it down." Shu Cheng rubbed the center of his brows, expressing that he didn't want to see Oleg again.

The bodyguard also obediently took Oleg, who was yelling, down.

Finally, silence returned to the air.

"I've sent people to Africa." Rong Junyi looked down at Shu Cheng from a high position, and said in a low voice.

"Ah Xiaorong, you are awesome." Shu Cheng gestured to Rong Junyi, his eyes glowing with admiration.

Then, Shu Cheng added: "In the past few days, we have to keep an eye on Oleg, I think he will make small moves."

"Don't worry, leave this matter to me, and I won't let him stop anything you want to do." Rong Junyi said domineeringly.

"Ah Xiaorong, do you know that when you said this, you were the most handsome person in the world." Shu Cheng grabbed Rong Junyi's neck and kissed him hard.


On this side, Liu Ting'er prepared a meal for Zhang Qianbo.

"Qianbo, come and have a bite." Liu Ting'er called softly, her voice was pleasant.

Zhang Qianbo put on his coat and was about to go out in a hurry.

He put a kiss on Liu Tinger's forehead, and said very sorry: "I'm sorry, Tinger, I have something to do right now, so I can't eat at home for the time being."

Liu Ting'er looked at this Qianbo with some surprise. It feels like these two days, he seems a little strange, he often goes out at meal time and comes back very late, and has various things, he seems very busy.

Every time Liu Ting'er asked Zhang Qianbo what he was doing, he didn't give a positive answer.

"Qianbo, what's the matter with you?" Liu Ting'er frowned, and asked worriedly, "If anything happens to you, you must tell me."

"I'm fine, fool, you'll know in a few days..." Zhang Qianbo gave Liu Ting'er a mysterious look, and then gently rubbed her soft black hair.

"But you went out without eating much recently. Are you really okay? I'm afraid your body won't be able to handle it like this." Liu Ting'er looked at a table of dishes and sighed helplessly.

Zhang Qianbo followed Liu Tinger's gaze, and then looked at the time.

He quickly sat down, took a few mouthfuls of food, and said with a guilty face: "I'm sorry Ting'er, I haven't eaten much of the food you worked so hard to cook recently, and I will definitely make it up to you in a few days. "

"Then, if we go with you, I don't even know what you're busy with now, so I'm really worried."

Zhang Qianbo sighed helplessly. Originally, he wanted to find Yang Linling to make hairpins, but Yang Linling was only free during meal times and evenings every day. In desperation, Zhang Qianbo could only cooperate with Yang Linling's schedule.

It's just that every time Liu Ting'er asked, he would feel very guilty. He only hoped that the hairpin could be done quickly so that he could explain it to Liu Ting'er.

Then, Zhang Qianbo looked at the time and went out.

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