Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

Liu Ting'er stood helplessly behind him, looking at Zhang Qianbo's back that was drifting away.


Shu Cheng scrolled through the v blog, and saw a set of pictures posted by a gossip blogger.

It's called [Zhang Qianbo cheated on Yang Linling].

Shu Cheng looked at the title and frowned, what is it?

Her slender fingers quickly clicked in. I just saw a few pictures, which were scenes where netizens saw Zhang Qianbo and Yang Linling sitting together eating in a certain restaurant.

And the frequency of eating is very high, almost all these days are together.

The contributors use anonymity, but the origin and location of the photos explained, and the clarity of the photos are also guaranteed, so the authenticity has gradually improved.

The content of the other party's submission is also very specific.

[I saw Zhang Qianbo and Yang Linling walking into a restaurant for dinner that day. Both Yang Linling and Zhang Qianbo were wearing masks. Obviously they didn't want people to recognize them. After arriving at the restaurant, they took off their masks and found a secluded corner to sit. Next, during the period, the two were fiddling with something, and they communicated continuously throughout the process. Yang Linling even leaned his hand on Zhang Qianbo's hand to study together. I thought it was just a coincidence, but I didn't pay much attention. But because Wei's work place was nearby, I happened to meet them again the next day. On the third day, I made a special trip again, only to meet again...the behavior of the two people was very suspicious. After submitting the manuscript, I hope the blogger can help me to make a full-fledged horse. Thanks. The main purpose of posting this article is to let everyone analyze it. Liu Tinger is my goddess, and I don't want him to suffer any harm. 】

There are already tens of thousands of comments on this v blog.

According to this popularity, it is estimated that after a while, it will be on the hot search smoothly.

Shu Cheng's lake-like eyes deepened, and his thin lips were tightly pressed together.

Netizens' comments also hold different opinions.

[I don't think these pictures alone can explain anything. And the two of them didn't do anything too extreme, I still believe that Zhang Qianbo would not do such a thing. Moreover, Zhang Qianbo's face is not very clear now, whether he still doesn't know. 】

[Fuck, are all the brainless fans now whitewashed like this? Isn't this considered an excessive move? As a man with another girlfriend, it's not too much to eat with another woman every day and put their hands together? ? ? Your hearts are really big. 】

[I also think it's too much! And it's not a single meal, it's two people eating together for three consecutive days. And isn't Yang Linling an assistant? Usually inseparable from the assistant, this time the assistant is gone. 】

【Ah, I hope it's not true, I hope it's all a misunderstanding. I'm so afraid that Liu Ting'er will get hurt. The goddess has a relatively quiet and introverted personality. If she is really wronged, she will probably just keep silent in her heart. 】

【Crying loudly, oh my god, they were the ones I was most optimistic about in the entertainment circle, how did they become like this now? If this thing is true, I don't think I will ever believe in love again. 】

【Ah, Yang Linling is not as good-looking as Liu Tinger. Zhang Qianbo shouldn't have cheated, right? Let Liu Tinger, who is so good, cheat so many times? I do not believe! 】

[I don't believe it either! I can't believe they turned out like this! 】

[Pray that these are all fake. 】

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