Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

"Then what are you going to do with the children you rescued?" the reporter continued to ask.

"My small island will be built soon, and those children are very talented. When the time comes, I will let them study on my small island." Shu Cheng arranged slowly.

After being interviewed, Shu Cheng instantly became a role model for most netizens.

[The male god is a real role model! Hope you can get better and better! 】

[Male god, come on, what you said is really great, few people can practice these things so powerfully like you. 】

[Oleg and his group are really perverted! very scary! He did this to those children. 】

[That's right, those black children in Africa are quite pitiful, and even met such beasts as Oleg, if this kind of behavior hadn't been exposed by Shu Cheng, the consequences would have been unimaginable. 】

[Hurry up and wipe out these organizations, and restore peace to the world, this pervert is damned! ! ! 】

[I hope the law can severely punish it! 】

[The male god has worked hard, for these things, he probably didn't worry less. 】

[Ah, I think the male god is really handsome, and the words he said during the interview are also very good! 】


in a few days. The verdict went smoothly, because this matter was carried out under the wide attention of the whole world, so no cover-up was allowed at all.

Oleg and his party were sentenced to life imprisonment, and they could only spend their lives with the prison.

The victimized children of Oleg's accomplices were also rescued, and Shu Cheng took them in as much as possible.

The World Public Welfare Organization also specially awarded a trophy to Shu Cheng.

In the group of Rs studio.

[Shen He: I didn't expect Shu Cheng to be so powerful, and to do such a big vote behind our backs. 】

[Zheng Yi: Awesome, Shen He, but in my eyes, you are the most powerful. 】

[Shen He: Roll your eyes at you. 】

[Shu Cheng: @沉和, how about the Hanfu competition? Are you still in the mood to rant here? 】

[Shen He: It's almost done, the works have been sorted out, don't worry, but Yang Linling's situation is not right. 】

[Shu Cheng: Because of Zhang Qianbo? 】

【Shen He: Probably so. I'm trying to find a way to communicate with her. 】

[Shu Cheng: There is nothing to communicate, if you can't do it, just replace me. 】

【Zheng Yi: Shu Cheng's temper is very hot today. 】

Shu Cheng looked at the time. In fact, there is only one week left before the official start of the Hanfu Contest. During this period of time, he has indeed experienced a lot of things. Shu Cheng didn't want to take care of Yang Linling and Zhang Qianbo's affairs, as long as Liu Tinger had nothing to do. just fine.

But if Yang Linling delays work because of this matter, then Shu Cheng will not be able to forgive her.

Yang Linling on this side finally got the answer after several days of deliberation.

The assistant stood aside, looked at Yang Linling's haggard face, and asked again seriously: "Have you made up your mind? If you still can't let go of Zhang Qianbo, I think you're done. There's no need for you to continue with the business of Hanfu." .”

"I... have figured it out." Yang Linling took a deep breath and looked at the assistant with painful eyes, as if he had made a huge determination.

"Have you figured it out? Then tell me what you think." The assistant said.

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