The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 1131 (seventh update)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

The assistant actually felt a little distressed for Yang Linling. After following her for so many years, she had never seen Yang Linling so distraught. Even when the studio was dying, she was still alive and full of hope.

"I think... I should love Hanfu more." Yang Linling looked at the Hanfu piled up in the corner. This is something she has insisted on for almost her whole life. If she is asked to give up Hanfu, it is tantamount to letting her give up the most precious thing in her life. s things.

When the assistant heard Yang Linling's decision, he smiled happily: "You have figured it out!"

"Yeah." However, if I want to give up Zhang Qianbo, it will take me a while.

"It's okay, take your time, as long as you don't give up your Hanfu. Then go and explain it to Liu Ting'er now, and then you all post a v blog to clarify, so that you can restore your image. You know, these days Because of your incident, our studio has suffered an unprecedented amount of refunds." The assistant said earnestly.

Yang Linling nodded, and when she was about to call Liu Tinger, she found that Liu Tinger had already sent her a WeChat message.

[Liu Tinger: Lin Ling, do you have time tomorrow? I want to talk to you. 】

[Yang Linling: Good. I'll send you the address, see you tomorrow afternoon. 】


In a tea room the next day, Yang Linling and Liu Tinger were both wearing Hanfu and sitting opposite each other.

"Tinger, come today..." When Yang Linling looked at Liu Tinger, he still felt a little guilty, so he raised his head and glanced at Liu Tinger.

"I know what you're going to say." Liu Ting'er said softly, "Actually, I don't blame you for that phone call."

"Ting'er, I really have nothing to do with Zhang Qianbo. But I also admit that I really have a crush on Zhang Qianbo, ever since I saw him for the first time in the "Sword" crew. I tried my best to get close to Zhang Qianbo, he In my eyes, but in my heart, you are the only one from the beginning to the end." Yang Linling said word by word, solemnly.

When Liu Ting'er heard this, she was still a little surprised. It turned out that she had fallen in love with Zhang Qianbo so long ago.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to spoil you. Besides, no one can break the relationship between Zhang Qianbo and you." Yang Linling laughed at herself, her face full of helplessness.

The two continued to talk about everything before, about some misunderstandings, maybe it would be better if they made it clear.

Then, Liu Ting'er personally posted a photo of herself and Yang Linling.

[Liu Ting'er v: Everything is a misunderstanding, I hope everyone will end the unreasonable speculation, we are fine, Qianbo and I are fine too. Lin Ling and I are still very good friends. [/picture]】

[Tinger is so kind! You even stood up to clarify specifically, I feel that you handled this matter very well. 】

[I feel that Tinger is the kind of person who is soft on the outside and strong on the inside. All your strength and bravery are actually beyond our imagination. 】

[It's so warm, she really is a goddess. 】

[It’s good that you are well. It really scared me to death. 】

[Okay, everything is a misunderstanding, everyone should leave, and the people who eat melons must have a degree. 】

[Since Tinger said so, I believe everything must be a misunderstanding. Continue to promote Hanfu and Liu Tinger's new drama. 】


And on this side, a new episode of "The Extremely Fast" was also broadcast.

The response has been as good as ever.

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