Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

[Now I finally know why the previous program group suddenly came back from Africa! It was because that Oleg was in the way. 】

[Yeah, imagining it now is really scary. Fortunately, the "Extreme Speed" program team has principles. If these people are not allowed to succeed, if they really get the copyright of the program group, they will gradually put this perverted behavior on the screen. Maybe it will mislead more people to join this organization. 】

[Fuck! Think carefully! 】

[However, the program team really performed very well, and they were filming under such great pressure at the time. It can still shoot with such quality, 666! 】

[Also, everyone is working so hard in this episode, it can be said to be very exciting! It feels like the best episode of the whole show. 】

[Making crazy calls for "The Extremely Fast Forward"! 】


"Extremely Fast Forward" WeChat group.

[Zhu Minrui: Oleg's matter has been resolved smoothly! This time we have become good friends with many people in Africa, and the venue is no longer a problem. I decided that we will go to Africa in a few days! Restart the recording of the show, is everyone's schedule available? 】

[Zhang Xin: For "The Extremely Fast"! There is no schedule at all, okay? It must be when you say, it is when! 】

【Zhang Jing: I'm finally going to shoot again, my hands are itchy from waiting. 】

【Chen Liya: Wow, I can't wait! 】

[Pan Shaocheng: Ready at any time, just wait for the director to announce the time. 】

[Shu Cheng: I'm ok too! 】

[Zhang Jing: Hahaha, the hero is here, everyone applauds and welcomes. 】

[Zhu Minrui: Hahaha, it is indeed a hero. From the start of the show to the present, Shu Cheng has really done a lot for the show. In the last plagiarism incident, it was Shu Cheng who stood up and helped us through the difficulties. A large part of the fact that "The Amazing Race" can persist until now is not due to me, but due to Shu Cheng. 】

[Zhang Xin: Well said! ! 】

The corner of Shu Cheng's mouth twitched, and he secretly complained in his heart, Zhu Minrui could really say...

But what he said was the truth, so he just admitted it openly.

【Shu Cheng: Of course, this young master was born to save the world. 】

[Everyone: ...? ? 】


It didn't take long for the program team of "The Extremely Fast" also confirmed that the shooting time of the final finals would be three days later.

The previous venue has been leased back.

And many African friends have a strong impression of Shu Cheng and the program group because of the incident with Oleg and the others this time.

When the program group needed help, many people stood up enthusiastically.

Three days later, Shu Cheng and Rong Junyi stood on the African soil again.

"A Xiaorong, do you feel familiar?" Shu Cheng faced the wind, squinted at Rong Junyi, and smiled playfully.

Rong Junyi lowered his head, looked at Shu Cheng, and said quietly: "The person I know the most is you."

Shu Cheng laughed again: "Daughter-in-law, hahahahahahahaha, you know what. My favorite thing is to hear you say this kind of earthy love talk every time. There is a kind of contrast and cuteness. It's just too cute."

"Soil?" Rong Junyi frowned displeased.

"Ah, no, no, it's not that kind of soil, it's that kind of soil." Shu Cheng quickly waved his hand.

"Which kind?" Rong Junyi asked step by step, took a step forward, and approached Shu Cheng, his face almost touching the tip of her nose.

Rong Junyi's warm breath sprayed on Shu Cheng's face.

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