Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

"It's too difficult, it's really too difficult, not to mention the laser arrays in front are difficult, even in the back, some laser arrays will move around. It's very difficult." Zhang Xin sighed.

Then came Chen Wen.

"Wait until I get to the finish line first, you follow my command."

Chen Wen nodded excitedly.

"Okay, I know."

After entering the competition field, Shu Cheng reached the finish line first, and then directed Chen Wen.

Although Chen Wen has tried her best to listen to Shu Cheng's words and follow Shu Cheng's instructions, she still gets stuck at some difficult levels.

The second time still failed.

The third time, when she was about to reach the finish line, Chen Wen hesitated in front of those moving light beams. In the end, the task was timed out and she failed once.

After three failures, Chen Wen could no longer laugh. Although the other two teams continued to challenge, the competition seemed to be at a stalemate.

"Shu Cheng, why don't we just give up? I think it's impossible for me to pass this life. If there is a time penalty, there may be a chance of survival." Chen Wen's self-esteem was frustrated, and she said very uncomfortable.

"Give up?" Shu Cheng's face also lost the smile for an instant, feeling that it was a shame to say these two words from Chen Wen's mouth.

"Hmm..." Chen Wen felt a little guilty when asked by Shu Cheng's tone.

Shu Cheng raised the corners of his mouth coldly: "You didn't give up on bungee jumping, which was so scary to you before, and you told me you were going to give up on a mere laser array?"

"But... this is the final. I can't let you lose because of me. I think maybe you can still win with penalty time. Look at the scene is frozen now." Chen Wen sighed helplessly .

"Shut up." Shu Cheng said in a sharp voice.

Chen Wen was taken aback and closed her mouth instantly.

"Winning or losing is not important to me, Su Cheng. I don't need any competitions to prove my strength. To participate in the challenge, the most important thing is to radiate the light of persistence in human nature. Look at you now, it's like A coward. Only a coward would think of giving up and begging for mercy." Shu Cheng's voice was not loud, but every word was sonorous and forceful, and fell to the ground with sound.

Chen Wen was so ashamed by Shu Cheng's words, she nodded quickly, and immediately cheered up: "Okay! I know! I will work hard! I will not give up! Shu Cheng, to be honest, I will follow you. learned a lot.”

When Shu Cheng heard what Chen Wen said, the anger on his face eased a little.

While the two were talking, Chen Liya and Pan Shaocheng ran out excitedly. Cheers and whoops.

"We passed! Come on!" They picked up their backpacks and ran out.

Their first departure also put a lot of pressure on the remaining two teams.

Next came the team of Chen Wen and Shu Cheng. If they failed again this time, they would probably be in third place. They didn't dare to slack off.

This time, Chen Wen held her breath and concentrated on taking every step carefully.

The short ninety seconds was a torment for her.

Fortunately, in the end, she finally broke through the laser array.

"Ahhh!! Shu Cheng!!! I succeeded! I finally made it here!" When Chen Wen hugged Shu Cheng, she almost burst into tears.

The fingers holding the clue card were trembling.

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