Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

"Okay, let's go." Shu Cheng stepped forward lightly, and calmly patted Chen Wen's back as an expression of encouragement. Then he raised his head arrogantly and walked forward.

Chen Wen hurriedly followed behind Shu Cheng, heading for the next mission location.


The second task is next to the Suez Canal, where there is a unique sea of ​​flowers in Egypt. The landscape is charming, and it is the most vivid color in the gray-yellow land of Egypt.

"Congratulations on coming to Huahai. Your next task is to sit on the swing with your feet off the ground, rely on your own strength to swing the swing, and at the same time pass the water into the big bottle with the wine glass, and act as a ping-pong player in the big bottle." The ball floats up and at least one ping-pong ball falls out, and the player can get the next clue card.” The referee finished introducing the rules concisely.

Chen Wen saw that Pan Shaocheng and the others had already started the challenge first.

"Put the bag down."

Chen Wen obediently put the bag on the ground.

"Should we let the referee teach us the moves first?" Chen Wen asked, tilting her head.

"You still want to teach?" Shu Cheng gave Chen Wen a disgusted look, as if he had heard a big joke, "You can't play on a swing?"

Chen Wen: "???"

"If you don't have the strength, I'll swing to your side, and you give me the water in the glass." Shu Cheng calmly issued an order.

"What do you mean?" Chen Wen was confused, and followed Shu Cheng to the front of the swing, "Are you sitting face to face?"

"You just know?" Shu Cheng shook his head helplessly.

"Hmm... So that's how it's played?" Chen Wen nodded.

After sitting on the swing.

Chen Wen: "Ah, who is going to swing me, how can I move?"

"...You have to swing by yourself." Shu Cheng said helplessly, "Is your comprehension so poor now?"

A few black lines were drawn on Chen Wen's forehead.

Ok, she was so nervous that she couldn't even understand the rules.

"I think I also played on the swing when I was young, in the park, because we were all like this when we were young. For example, you can touch the ground with your feet first, give her a little back, or an arc, and then run forward to swing. When I was young I’ve always played like this. But I suddenly felt that I was too simple.” Chen Wen sat on the swing and muttered, feeling a little dazed under the sun’s exposure, and she didn’t even know what she was talking about now .

Then, the project has started.

"Lean back a little bit, then swing forward, straighten your legs." Shu Cheng instructed Chen Wen.

Although Shu Cheng can swing very far by himself, the distance of the swing is limited after all, if Chen Wen doesn't move forward, there is no chance for him to let Chen Wen turn the water upside down.

"Lie up like this, lie down and look at me!" Shu Cheng instructed Chen Wen in the correct posture.

At this moment, the temperature in Egypt has reached forty degrees Celsius, and the fiery sun is scorching the earth and everyone's skin.

Chen Wen felt that every inch of her body was being burned.

Under such exposure, we have to start swinging.

She tried her best, took a deep breath, and Shu Cheng's words slowly became blurred in her ears. Relying on her remaining consciousness, she began to swing forward according to Shu Cheng's guidance.

Finally, it began to have an effect, glass of water was slowly passed to Shu Cheng one glass after another.

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