Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

Although his face hurt, the guide still looked at Shu Cheng with great admiration, and now he finally believed that what they said just now that they didn't need a guide was actually true.

"Then you can go now, right? We're going to continue our visit." Shu Cheng raised his eyebrows triumphantly, tore open a candy, and ate it.

"Then...well, can I follow you, and then can you tell me? I feel that many things you know are actually things I don't know. I want to enrich my knowledge system about mummies." The narrator Looking expectantly at Rong Junyi and Shu Cheng.

And Rong Junyi and Shu Cheng twitched their mouths at the same time.

I really met a mummy fanatic. In addition to madly giving Amway mummy to others, I also have knowledge and desire for mummy.

"No." Rong Junyi said directly, waiting for Shu Cheng to speak.

"Okay." That person was obviously very afraid of Rong Junyi's aura, looking at Rong Junyi's stern eyes with a bit of chill, he became nervous and spoke weakly.

Then, Rong Junyi and Shu Cheng turned around and continued to visit.

The ears finally became quiet again.

After leaving the museum, it was getting late.

Shu Cheng took out his phone and sent a v-blog.

located in Egypt.

[Shu Chengv: The most romantic date in the world is when we hold hands and watch the mummy together. [/Location: Egyptian Mummy Museum]. 】

[Tang Jun: Male gods are really different... Dates are all made at museums. 】

[Daughter-in-law, you have jj: come back quickly! Still looking at the mummy, the Hanfu contest is about to start. 】

[Strong man, you are pregnant: I think the most romantic thing in the world is not holding hands to see a mummy, but holding hands and holding a Hanfu wedding together. 】

[An Rumian: It's really... very heavy, but I like it very much. A male god is a male god, amazing! 】

[Male god, can you sleep well with Rong Junyi at night like this? 】

[Fuck, are there so many different forms of dating now? The old man really can't keep up with the trend of the times. 】

[There is a trace of coolness behind my back, it feels so scary. 】

【Hahaha. Heavy mouth heavy mouth, I like I like it! Is the mummy so energetic? Next month I will fly to Egypt to see the mummy, hahaha I must let my boyfriend accompany me on a date! Get is the new pose for dating! 】


After staying in Egypt for one night, Rong Junyi and Shu Cheng returned home together.

In the Rs studio, Shen He, Zheng Yi, and Yu Zhou all had panda eyes.

Shu Cheng crossed his legs and looked at them, and couldn't help sighing: "Oh, if I knew you were working so hard, I should have brought some specialties back from Egypt to refresh you."

"Wow, what special product? Is it refreshing?" Zheng Yi's eyes brightened instantly, and he hurried to Shu Cheng's side, asking excitedly.

"Mummy, what do you think of the effect?" Shu Cheng had a playful smile on his lips.

The corner of Zheng Yi's mouth twitched, and he collapsed back again.

Shen He didn't say a word, he was so tired that he didn't want to open his mouth.

With a glance at ten lines, Shu Cheng quickly went through their work content for the past few days, and then he could immediately start to analyze their work situation. The calculation speed in Shu Cheng's mind was very fast.

During the rapid filtering process, Shu Cheng referred to the ways in which various large-scale competitions are held in the system.

Then form your own holding method, and then modify it according to Shen and their holding method.

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