The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 1147 (seventh update)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

However, an alarm sound suddenly sounded in this mind, and Shu Cheng felt a red dot flashing in front of his eyes, it was a warning!

She frowned slightly, an ominous premonition welling up in her heart.

I thought something would happen next, but after the red dot flickered for about half a minute, it disappeared by itself, and the siren also disappeared.

Everything that happened just now seemed like a dream.

But only Shu Cheng knows that all this is not true.

She calmed down, suppressed the inexplicable anxiety and uneasiness in her heart, and continued to filter this way of holding.

Then Shen and them were given a complete modification plan within ten minutes.

Shu Cheng printed out the document and threw it to them.

He opened his bright red lips handsomely, and said slowly: "It is a good choice to set the competition venue in the garden, which is in line with our theme this time, but the safety is not guaranteed. There will be a lot of people present at that time , surrounded by weeds, safety is a very important issue. Ten fire engines must be arranged nearby, ready to be called at any time."

"That's right! I didn't even think of this unless you said it! I always thought of too many people and I'm afraid there will be a stampede accident!" Yu Yiyi patted his head and thought about it, and found that Shu Cheng was indeed Shu Cheng. Exporting is like enlightenment.

"Is there any more? I've said it all." Shen He opened his mouth and said to Shu Cheng.

"And when the time comes for the competition, add another link, let them tell the story behind the work they made, don't tell them this link, let the players talk temporarily. This will not only increase the fun of the game, but also make it easier to watch Is this work made by me, and the intention behind this work." Shu Cheng said lightly.


"The judges also need to prepare in advance. I will absolutely not allow favoritism and fraud!" Shu Cheng finally emphasized this matter.

Everyone nodded wildly.


The preparations for the competition are proceeding in such an orderly manner.

Finally, this time, the Hanfu competition held by Shu Cheng started under the eyes of all the people.

Before it even started, it has already attracted the attention of many people.

The Internet is even more heated.

【Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I'm so envious of those who can go to the scene to watch the game! 】

【Feast your eyes this time! 】

[I'm not going to compete, but I'm also very nervous, what's going on! 】

[Hundreds of cameras were set up at the scene. The scale of the venue is very huge, and the real-time live broadcast is unprecedented. I must continue to pay attention. 】

[Can't go to the live show, but today I took a day off to watch the live broadcast at home, I'm a true fan. 】

[Do you think Liu Tinger will also participate in this competition! 】

[I'm so looking forward to it, the male god Shu Cheng will probably come here in Hanfu as well! 】


Then, the Hanfu Contest started smoothly.

The venue for the event is in a garden. A lush green rockery stands at the door. There are some potted lotuses in different shapes at the foot of the mountain. It is a green water lotus, blooming quietly under the shade of ancient trees.

The quiet pond, just like a quiet woman, surrounded by green hills and willows, is so elegant. A trickle poured into the pool, and a small halo formed on the surface of the water, which was vivid.

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