Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

After arranging everything, Shu Cheng walked out of the studio without waiting for Shen He to speak.

Shen He: "..." The shopkeeper doesn't act like that, so is it too late to apply for a change of boss?

After returning home, Shu Cheng suddenly heard that "Gone with the Wind" that he had written before was handed over to the magazine, and it was probably going to be published soon.

Looking at the account of An Zhiruosu, who has not logged in for a long time. Shu Cheng walked in casually, and the message board was full of wailing fans.

[Anda... Can you take care of your writing career while developing your acting career? 】

【I don’t know how many days An Da disappeared,】

[Anda, I'll call you, do you dare to agree? 】

【Anda! ! ! ! If you have enough skin, get back to us quickly! How many days have we been waiting for you? 】

【Wow, are you really that spineless? Haven't come to blog for so long? 】

[What about the new book? What about the new book? What about the new book? ? ? [Big Sword]]

[The promised new book! ! ! [Big Sword]]


Shu Cheng looked at the fans' hobbies, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, he quickly tapped on the screen with his fingertips, typed a line, and clicked send.

[An Zhiruosu v: It's really enjoyable to see you howl so much, it seems that I will disappear a few more times in the future. 】

Everyone: "..."

Yes, very skinny.

Everyone has a lumbar disc, why are you so prominent?

Both are nine-year compulsory education, why are you so good?

[Can you not use the skin? ! I give a reward, can I give a reward? ? ! 】

[Fuck! I just saw An Da posting a blog and said to my friends: "It really appeared! It's a bit of a conscience." The next second I was slapped in the face. 】

[Anda, where's your new book? ? ? 】

[Everyone give way, I want to rush to the front to urge the manuscript! ! 】

【Then what? ? ? An Da, you won't disappear again just by saying such a sentence, right? 】

[It's so fucking inhuman! ! ! Really too inhuman! ! ! Didn't show up for such a long time, and said that once he showed up? 】


This time, "Gone with the Wind" has been taken full responsibility by the magazine, and the integrated process from printing to distribution has saved a lot of delays in intermediate processes, so the speed of new book releases has also risen sharply.

The magazine quickly responded, saying that it was ready and ready to issue at any time.

Shu Cheng is not like the others. He taboos about the day when he can’t do those things. It’s not Shu Cheng’s style to look at the calendar and do things. So when people from the magazine asked Shu Cheng when it would be released, Shu Cheng blurted out that it was just random. , tomorrow is ok, the day after tomorrow is ok, it doesn't matter when.

"What?" The other party repeatedly confirmed whether Shu Cheng was crazy, tomorrow? the day after tomorrow?

Where is the sloppiness of someone publishing a new book?

Moreover, Shu Cheng didn't promote this book in the early stage, so wouldn't it affect the book's sales after it was published?

Shu Cheng hooked the corners of his lips indifferently, "I can choose whatever day I like."

"..." The other party was rendered speechless by Shu Cheng's words.

Yes, yes, very strong.

Do whatever you want and be happy, this attitude is something most people can't learn.

Shu Cheng shrugged, expressing no fear.

But if Shu Cheng doesn't promote it, people will naturally promote it.

Because some people's fame no longer needs publicity, just a name is enough.

Spontaneous publicity started in many places, but An Zhiruosu and Shu Cheng's V blog didn't move at all.

You want to ask Shu Cheng why?

Shu Cheng said that it is too embarrassing to post a V blog every time. , Shen He is skinny now, and refuses to manage V blog for me, I think she must be paid too much.

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