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In a bookstore.

A boy with black-rimmed glasses looked at it several times with Piao, and felt that the name was very familiar. He recovered and glanced at the author's name on it: "What?! This is The King? published?"

He ran out excitedly with the book, and was going to tell his classmates the good news. You must know that two-thirds of their class are fans of Anda's books.

Usually, An Da's news is also followed. This time, An Da published a book without even a promotion, which is really too weird.

Presumably few people know about the new book.

The bookstore owner rushed out quickly: "Hey, hey, hey!!! You haven't paid yet!"


The number of fans of An Zhiruosu is not limited.

Even if there was no publicity in the early stage, and no one even knew about the publication, the book "Gone with the Wind" sold 10 million copies within three days.

Word of mouth spread, and many people finished reading this million-word novel within a day or two.

Almost everyone who has read the book said that they are deeply trapped in it and cannot extricate themselves.

Immersed in the war and displacement in the novel, and at the same time deeply grasped by the protagonist's secret persistence and optimistic attitude, I flipped through the pages.

Although a thousand people will have a thousand Hamlets, and everyone has a different idea of ​​reading "Gone with the Wind", but at the end of the reading, there will be a sense of tranquility that follows the protagonist for half his life.

He closed the book, pursing his thin lips tightly, as if he had accomplished a great event with a great sense of mission.

Scenes and scenes will still flash in my mind, and the golden sentences, dialogues, and descriptions in the book will be engraved in my mind intentionally or unintentionally.


online. "Gone with the Wind" instantly became the number one search list.

—— "The King has a new work again! "

——"The classic drama, The King is back! "

--"With the wind"

—— "What is it that blows away with the wind"

—— "The King's million-word masterpiece strikes! "

Across the computer screen, Xu Qiuqi's eyes filled with tears, and tears fell continuously on the pages of the book, which instantly became wet, and the characters printed on the book melted away silently.

She couldn't cry, she gritted her teeth tremblingly, and felt that the blood in her whole body seemed to be congealed, and even breathing became difficult.

Finally, after reading the finale, she felt that she didn't have the courage to close the book.

Watching "Gone With the Wind", Xu Qiuqi seems to follow the protagonist through hardships and experience life.

At this moment when she felt that the world was full of darkness, she was lucky enough to read this book.

Xu Qiuqi hugged the pillow and half-lyed on the head of the bed, all kinds of past experiences flashed in her mind.

For a long time, she couldn't get out of the relationship with her ex, who abandoned herself and gave up their ten-year relationship.

For Xu Qiuqi, this is undoubtedly a terrible news like the end of the world.

For this reason, Xu Qiuqi quit her job, depressed, and her hope of life collapsed. She never saw the light of the road ahead, and she could no longer move forward with a heavy burden.

She refused to communicate with anyone, and she didn't even call home for a long time. She endured all this alone, and she struggled on the verge of collapse every day.

After watching "Gone with the Wind", Xu Qiuqi thought of the days when she put down her self-esteem to save her ex-boyfriend, and felt ridiculous and silly.

Xu Qiuqi likes the heroine Scarlett in "Gone with the Wind" too much. She was too naive, didn't understand life, and didn't understand herself. It was only after Melanie left that everyone woke up. After the grief, life needs to go on. Scarlett raised her head and raised her little chin. She was strong and not afraid of failure just like the family members.

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