Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

The crew was not rich in the first place, and the funds were all dependent on Shu Cheng alone. In order to keep a low profile, everyone unanimously decided to have a meal outside for the opening ceremony.

Everyone toasted and drank, began to talk about life, talk about ideals, and look back on the past.

Zhong Wang got drunk, looked at Wang Dongyang and Zheng Jing, pointed at them and said, "I have been in college for four years, and the dog food I ate the most is your pair!!"

Zhong Wang said to Zheng Jing again: "When Wang Dongyang first chased you, he slept with your photo every day. I got goosebumps when I saw it. To give you a gift, what the hell Whispering in my ears for a whole week, I finally asked him what he gave, and he said he gave you a weather forecast bottle? Me???? I wondered how this kind of person found a girlfriend!"

Seeing Zhong Wang broke the news, Zheng Jing became interested in an instant, and said not to be outdone, "Don't talk about me, it's just the gay relationship between the two of you. You know I'm usually not wary of those coquettish bastards outside, I The most fearful thing is that you will abduct Wang Dongyang away. Look at the two of you who get tired of being together every day, and talk to each other about everything. To tell you the truth, I have been jealous of this!"

"Hahahaha." Everyone, you listened to them chattering and laughing.

Zheng Haoren raised his head, rubbed the head of his own sister Zheng Jing vigorously, and said, "Okay, you're still jealous, you have a bad temper, who is going to snatch a man from you?"

Wang Dongyang said to Zheng Jing with a strong desire to survive: "Don't worry! Don't worry! I won't give any other woman a chance!"

"Then you plan to give the other men a chance?" Zheng Jing persisted.

"I definitely won't give you a chance, my conscience. You are the only one I love the most!!" Wang Dongyang immediately changed his tone and said solemnly.

"Wang Dongyang, your desire to survive is too strong. Zheng Jing must be abusing you often." Zheng Haoren held his forehead and teased them.

"I want you to take care of it, just shut up." Zheng Jing put her arms around Wang Dongyang's shoulders, and gave Zheng Haoren a look without showing any weakness.

In the interlacing of toasts and cups, accompanied by laughter and laughter, time slowly passed by.

"Okay! Then I will announce that our "Soul Ferry" will start shooting!" Wang Dongyang stood up instantly, his voice raised.

"Okay, applause!! The shooting went well!!"

"May the filming go well!!!"

"May the filming go well!!

"May the filming go well!"

Everyone was very enthusiastic, and Shu Cheng did not disturb everyone's enthusiasm, raising his glass and shouting.


The next day, "Soul Ferry" successfully started filming.

The heroine is Li Jinying, who plays Meng Po Sanqi in the film.

In the first act, what Li Jinying has to do is to transform into an ugly Meng Po.

At this time, the makeup artist came in handy, because the ugly Meng Po needs to stick all kinds of wrinkle props on her face, all her hair is tied back, her scalp is strangled, and her eyebrows are raised.

The man-hours and energy consumed in this process are huge. Although this scene may only appear in the film for a short minute, it must be treated with the most serious attitude.

This makeup alone has already consumed a whole morning.

Li Jinying's scalp has been strangled and she doesn't feel a little bit.

Coupled with the hot weather, it can't help but make people feel upset.

Compared to Li Jinying, Max is much calmer and calmer. She has been involved in many blockbuster movies, and there are many people whose situation is worse than this one.

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