Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

Li Jinying sighed uncomfortably, looked at Max, and said in a negotiating tone: "Max, can we do it this way? I really feel so uncomfortable. This headgear makes my scalp feel so tight now." Lost consciousness."

"Persist a little longer." Max continued to paint and paint on Li Jinying's face seriously, handling every detail carefully.

"I don't want to insist anymore, I feel so uncomfortable." Li Jinying was crying, feeling very uncomfortable all over.

She felt that the whole head was not her own.

"Don't cry, if you cry, the makeup will fade." Max looked at Li Jinying nervously, trying his best to calm her down.

"I know it's hard, but if you have the mentality to do a good job in this movie, you have to get through these difficulties."

Max is a few years older than Li Jinying. Looking at her state, he comforted her, "I know this is the first time you shoot this kind of special effects clip, so you will feel uncomfortable, but I promise you that when you see the last It’s all worth it when you’re playing that character on screen.”

"But, I'm really uncomfortable." Li Jinying didn't cry out obediently, she opened and closed her mouth and said in a low voice.

"I know it's hard. Many stars didn't do as well as you did when they were shooting this kind of film for the first time. Many people even went on strike. If you bear with it, I will draw it for you as soon as possible. .” Max looked at Li Jinying tenderly.

Li Jinying listened to Max's words, took a deep breath, and nodded: "Okay, I will persevere!"

If you can't stand it like this, how can you continue acting? Li Jinying endured the discomfort.

Max nodded, and then speeded up to apply makeup on Li Jinying's face.

Shu Cheng watched this scene calmly, pouted and didn't say much.


Finally, when Li Jinying walked in front of everyone, everyone gasped.

"Wow, this is the mother-in-law of Meng." Zheng Jing walked around Li Jinying twice and said excitedly.

"Max, your drawing is really good!" Guo Xinlan rushed over and looked at Max with bright eyes. When she came back from Max, Guo Xinlan had already become Max's little fan.

A senior makeup artist like Max can be regarded as a brand new height in the field of visual communication.

Guo Xinlan walked around Max from time to time, hoping to learn more from her.

"Then let's start shooting!" Zhong Wang, as the director, raised his voice and shouted.

The scene is set.

"Is the line practice okay?" Wang Dongyang looked at Li Jinying and asked.

Li Jinying nodded firmly: "Well, yes."

This is the first scene in the film, and everyone watched it with great excitement and anticipation.

Shu Cheng also stood by and gave instructions outside the scene.

"Okay. The first scene of the first scene! Let's start!" Guo Xinlan acted as the scene manager, and ordered the cameras to focus on Li Jinying.

Li Jinying leaned lazily on the chair, and the extras stepped forward.

Li Jinying's face is full of makeup, and all the scenes can only be expressed by eyes and words, and the requirements for acting skills are very high.

She first glanced at the other party contemptuously, and then said slowly, "Mengpo soup is full of tears, so much bitterness, it needs to be boiled slowly to remove the bitterness and keep the sweetness. After such a lifetime of suffering, a pot of good soup will be made, and life will be rich." That's it."

"Mengpo soup is so delicious, wait for me to drink it, and go to reincarnate!" the group performer said, with a bit of acting skills.

Then, Li Jinying sat up straight, and said slowly: "Wait a minute. Since you have no tears for me, what good things do you have to bury in the coffin? Just take it out!"

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