Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

"Rong Junyi, I did it, it's time to marry me."

She prepared the diamond ring to marry her daughter-in-law.

The corners of Rong Junyi's lips raised undetectably, it was really his child, Pi.

But also very cute.

It would have been better if it hadn't said "marry me".


Everyone who watched the live broadcast had a "beep dog" expression on their faces.

[Damn, fuck, I watched the Oscars and stuffed my mouth full of dog food! 】

[How can a single dog live with this? 】

[Goddess 666, won a horse, "It's time to marry me" Tsk tsk, you can imagine the goddess Tsundere going home to the crematorium for a while. 】

[Did the Goddess consider her family's feelings when she said this? Is it because the goddess has forgotten that she is actually a girl after wearing men's clothing for a long time? Haha, with a face full of jokes. 】

[In other words, no one expects that at the goddess's wedding, the goddess will wear a handsome white suit, and her family will only wear a princess dress? Is no one looking forward to it? The groomsmen set up a question to make things difficult for the goddess, and the goddess successfully abducted her daughter-in-law, so no one expected it? There's none? 】

[Fuck! What the upstairs said is so graphic, it makes me really want to watch such a plot, it must be super interesting! 】

The topic was unknowingly skewed.

Shu Cheng returned home with the trophy, the prepared diamond ring, and a large bouquet of flowers in his hand.

Shu Cheng walked to the door, saw the locked door, and took out the key from his pocket to open the door.

There are rose petals floating in the room, balloons are everywhere, and there are songs she wrote for him on the CD.

Shu Cheng's dark eyes flickered slightly, although she was a little rusty and not very romantic, but her romance was enough.

Look, her diamond ring is ready.

Shu Cheng looked at the handsome man who came down the stairs, just like the first time he saw him, he was handsome and charming, making Shu Cheng want to sleep with him the first time he saw him.

She knelt down on one knee, held up the ring, and said affectionately, "Man, marry me."

Rong Junyi's face was a little dark, and he kept a straight face and did not speak.

Shu Cheng raised his eyebrows slightly, why is her daughter-in-law always so arrogant?

Shu Cheng handed him the flower, and the man accepted it silently, making a note in his heart.

Shu Cheng handed him the trophy, and the man accepted it silently, making a note in his heart.

Shu Cheng handed him the diamond ring, and the man accepted it silently, making another note in his heart.

"Daughter-in-law, although this proposal is a bit silly, at least there are diamond rings, balloons and rose petals, right?"

"..." I arranged the room, I prepared the balloons, I also set the rose petals, except for the diamond ring.

Rong Junyi leaned close to Shu Cheng's ear, subwoofer: "It's okay, I don't need dirt."

Shu Cheng: "..." Where am I? I have such a big diamond ring!

The man took out the diamond ring that was always in his bag, and put it on for Shu Cheng.

Shu Cheng pursed her lips, two diamond rings, tsk, extravagant.

"Look outside." Rong Junyi's voice was low, the night was charming and alluring.

Shu Cheng used to control her voice, but now with the atmosphere and the man's handsome appearance, she wanted to seduce him even more.

The neon lights outside are flickering everywhere.

"Shu Cheng, marry me.——Rong Junyi"

Shu Cheng gave a "tsk", never expecting a man to be able to do this trick, she leaned into his ear, "This is all leftovers from the baby's play, are you stupid?"

Rong Junyi spoke confidently: " diamond ring is bigger than the one you bought."

Shu Cheng: "...Yes, you can be self-willed if you have money."

The two of them have already passed through the vigorous period of each other, and their daily life is plain and simple dog abuse. When these two people are together, even if they are fighting each other, there is a feeling of dog abuse. Maybe this is what their love looks like .

"Congratulations, Oscar statuette, my fiancee." The man hugged her.

Under the moonlight, the two hug each other, peaceful and beautiful.

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