Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

It's really over.

From the end of July last year to the present, it has been nearly a year. Although I have asked for leave from time to time, there are also times when there are more changes. Jiujiu thinks that except for some unavoidable situations, Jiujiu has been doing his best to update.

When I started writing "System", it was on a whim. At that time, I had a period of rest and wrote more than ten chapters. I thought that I would post it after a year when I was free. Now I focus on learning. As a result, I am still cheap , accidentally clicked on the release chapter, so the first chapter of the system was released.

In this way, out of nowhere, I started the road of publishing serials on the Internet.

I am a person who goes with the flow, since I posted it, let me post it.

At that time, I thought that I would post ten chapters first, and stop updating after posting. I will come back a year later. Anyway, no one will read the ten chapters. No matter whether anyone reads it, I will finish writing a book and realize my dream. So I don't have any psychological pressure.

On the second day after it was released, I found out that I had a favorite after only posting a chapter, and there were comments one by one as the days passed.

I'm very confused, people like me who usually only read the finale and not the serialization don't understand why some people start following the article from the very beginning.

Later, I met the big cat Xia Yannuan, and then I built Jiuyuan (dimple), and met many Jiuyou.

At that time I was very confused, should I write it down?

Because of Jiuyou, I was shaken.

I really want to write, but many things have weighed me down and I can't write.

Finally I decided, I want to write down.

I just thought that it would be a big deal for me to work harder, to be more tired, to stay up longer, and to keep writing for you and myself.

It is really tiring to maintain a large number of updates every day under high-intensity pressure. Fortunately, I survived.

I'm a newcomer, I don't understand a lot of things, and I don't know how to do it. I've been walking like this for almost a year, and the time is still pretty fast.

During this period of time, I was criticized and criticized for being brainless and black, and there were times when I was particularly broken and desperate, and I also saw the support and encouragement of Jiuyou.

I am not a person with positive energy and three outlooks. I am relatively withdrawn and do not like to talk. I am very sad. I like and enjoy a person's world. I don't have many friends. I seldom talk to people. I know that I am not good. Well, I also accept my shortcomings, my self-evaluation is actually really low.

But I know that's not what you want to see.

It's you who have kept me going, no matter how desperate.

So, I keep saying, you are my light.

I haven't been in touch, so I really don't know how warm you are.

It was also after getting to know you that I made up my mind to make myself better.

Forgive me for rambling on a bunch of messy things that don't make sense.

The main text is over, and the fanwaixiaobaozi will continue writing.

The cute little bag is here to hit me, and I love the male and female protagonists of the new article. I don’t know if you will like it, but I like it anyway.

The new article will be released next month or next month, I hope everyone can support it~

Love everyone.

Thank you all for accommodating my shortcomings.

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