Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

After another period of time, the program team announced the release time of Weibo tidbits of several groups of guests.

After simple editing, the countdown to the first set of tidbits was announced.

[Finally waiting for you, luckily I didn't give up, just wait for my male god Da Chengzi! 】

[The male god said he would participate, so he will definitely participate, right? 】

[The male god recorded a parent-child program for the first time! My little master! Definitely super cute too! I have never seen the young master's face. 】

Thousands of fans excitedly clicked on the video.

At first glance, it was the logo of the program group. It's okay, the male god will appear soon.

Secondly, it's the content of the ad. It's okay. After the ad is over, it should be a male god.

Next, he showed his hands.

They are beautiful, with well-defined joints, hands with long fingers, and hands that are kneading dough.

Without showing his face, the comment area started to explode.

[Hand-controlled welfare, ahhh, hand-controlled welfare, fried chicken with good-looking hands, my god, my god, I must be my god Chengzi! 】

[These hands are really pretty, but why do I feel that they are not the same as the beautiful picture of the male god's hand I saved? And are you sure that the male god will knead the dough at home? 】

[I think... the male god must not know how to knead dough, right? Could it be the daughter-in-law of a male god? @rjy]

However, the next moment he was slapped in the face.

A gentle and jade-like voice sounded, "Stable, come out and say hello to uncles and aunts."

As soon as the voice came out, almost many people knew who it was.

The song king Yuanwei who has been popular for more than ten years since his debut.

Although he is not the national male god Shu Cheng, he has many fans.

[Wow, I'm a god, I used to look amazing, from the beginning to now, I still have such a face, but I'm already old. 】

[Yuanwei, the frozen-age male god, every time I see this face, I think of my past, and his past. Anyway, I used to be considered a handsome guy, but I was a fat man with a beer belly. Time is a pig-killing knife, but why? I can't see the years on him, he is indeed a man favored by the heavens. 】

The little boy came out of the room reluctantly, looked at the many guests who suddenly appeared at home, and hid behind his father.

"Wanwen, call Uncle." Yuan Wei knelt down and stroked the boy's head, his voice was as gentle as his.


The boy was a little timid when facing strangers, but he obediently listened to his father's words.

Yuan Wei introduced: "This is my son Yuan Shizhi, which originated from the Analects of Confucius "Knowing what you know is knowing, not knowing what you don't know is knowing." The nickname is Wenwen."

The boy nodded along.

The video is suddenly shady, this is the first side of Yuan Shizhi.

The following Yuan Shizhi seemed to be familiar with the camera, completely ignoring the camera, wearing slippers, jumping up and down, very active, sticking the dough to Papa's face, and then running with the cat, playing wildly with the cat.

Mengmeng is too cute.

Seeing Yuan Wei shook his head, he said with a smile, "This is my son, he can't be quiet for a second."


Pippi watched the video and muttered, "They're all poor, silly leopards who don't know how to cook."

Shu Cheng walked over from behind, and slapped a certain brat, "I know how to cook."

Pippi looked at her silently, "..." Yes, you can, but you can't eat it after making it.

"What's your look?" Shu Cheng glanced at him lazily, "Deduct a month of lollipops."

Pipirong looked at her resentfully from white to white, and secretly told himself that it is possible for his mother to be an adult for three years after being pregnant for three years.

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