The National Male God of System Rebirth

1271 Chapter 1271 Extra Story Pippi Chapter 6

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

Shu Cheng looked at him leisurely, "Stop the lollipop for half a year."

Pippi: "..." I said the same thing last time.

Rong Congbai took a sip of milk silently. On the parent-child show, everyone else took care of their children, but his family took care of their children.

He was mentally prepared——

Let Ma Ma play with building blocks, and give Ma Ma a lollipop to eat. Don't let Ma Ma go out and hook up with girls.

The girls are all his.

Ma Ma can't rush to hook up with him.

Especially Papa can't get used to Ma Ma, if he gets used to it, he will lose his IQ.

[Papa, I will take care of Ma Ma's appearance on the show, and I won't let her hook up with pretty girls and sisters. 】

Edit text message, sent successfully!

Rong Congbai took another sip of milk, narrowing his eyes slightly.

"Beep" the phone rang.

Shu Cheng glanced at the mobile phone the man kept in the bedroom, swiped open the screen, and glanced at the text message sent by a certain kid, the corners of his lips raised.

I didn't have to eat lollipops for a year.

The man came out of the bathroom, looked at the mobile phone in Shu Cheng's hand, raised his eyebrows slightly, "What's wrong?"

Shu Cheng threw the phone to him, and the man looked at the text message not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

Shu Cheng was serious: "I didn't give birth to him so that he could compete with me for a girl."

"Well, let him come out to wash the dishes and do housework and cooking." Rong Junyi echoed, but his deep eyes dimmed, sister?

Shu Cheng didn't realize anything at all, and said to himself: "How could it be me who gave birth to such a skinny?"

Rong Junyi raised his eyebrows, blew into Shu Cheng's ear, and the subwoofer said: "You want to be on the show to flirt with girls? Huh?"

Sensitive earlobe felt the hot breath from the man, Shu Cheng was stunned.

It was another day when the weather was fine and I couldn't get out of bed.

When he woke up, Pipirong had already commented on Weibo for nothing.

The son of the super popular national male god has gained a large number of fans before he even showed his face, especially the last group of family videos released an hour after the official announcement.

[The fried chicken is looking forward to the young master's appearance. The male god and the male god's wife are so hot and good-looking, the young master must also be a handsome fried chicken. 】

[There is still an hour left, and the videos of other guests have been released, and the last group must be male gods! Sit and wait for my man! My big male god and the little male god must be cute together! 】

Shu Cheng raised the corners of his lips silently, Pippi has been pretending for so long, if she knew that the program team had a personal interview with her, and she exposed the skin of a certain kid, would he hit someone? ?

Pippi raised the corners of her lips silently. Shu Cheng, a black-hearted mother, always pretends to be cold outside. If she knew that the program team had a personal interview with him, and he exposed someone's cold clothes, she would Can't beat people?

The program crew watched the edited video and was amused by the interview between the two.

"Recorded several families, the first time I saw this kind of relationship mode, I laughed to death, hahahaha!"

"You are so skinny, you are worthy of being the son of a male god, hahaha, at the beginning, you were still giggling, but fortunately the camera caught it, the burden of being an idol at such a young age is so heavy, you are really the son of a male god, haha Ha ha!"

"There is something to watch, this video is sure to be a hit! Hahahaha, are these two people going to laugh at me to inherit my lollipop? Hahaha!"

"Stop making trouble, and post the video immediately."




time up.

Everyone clicked on the video.

"Uncle, are you from the program team?" A soft and cute voice sounded.


——[The following content exceeds a thousand words without charge]——

Answer a few questions about the new book.

Q: When will the new article be released?

Answer: Repeat for another year, see you in June next year.

Q: What genre is the new article about?

Answer: Dress up as a man.

Q: Can I spoil a little bit?

Answer: Yes.

Dead Scientist Female Lead VS Playwright Tsundere Cat Male Lead

Women are still disguised as men, men are strong and women are strong, Su Susu, cool, sweet pet one-on-one

The introduction has not been written yet, but a part of the text has been written.

Spoilers about the character design of the small theater, you can follow Weibo @男神子九, or go to my space to see, the book group number is in the introduction.

I originally planned to start a new article in July and August. After the college entrance examination results, I was forced to repeat it due to irresistible reasons, so I will see you in June next year.

I know that many people may leave by then, and I know that many people may not be there when I come back.

I don't know if everyone can wait for me.

In short, I will come back in a year, and if I can't wait, I will leave.


I have been thinking about the setting of the new article for a long time, and I have been perfecting it for a long time. I have the setting before writing the system, and then I have gradually improved it until now. I hope that it will be more perfect after a year.

What I want you to see is a better me, a better me.

Another: Do you want to see the beginning of the new article?

[It’s not that I didn’t write this paragraph in the off-topic, but that the number of words in this paragraph is too much, exceeding the limit of off-topic words.

You ask me why I don't post the book review section? I operate frequently, and I can't send it out, and there is nothing I can do. 】

If you want to read the beginning of the new article and understand the new article, I will listen to everyone's opinions and post the file in the group or on Weibo.

If you don't want to, forget it.

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