Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

Video finished.

The comment section exploded.

[Warm cry, warm cry, I don't know why tears suddenly filled my eyes, the young master said that he is the only one who can black her. Pipishu said, no regrets. 】

[The relationship between the male god and the young master is really tearful, and some feelings are like this. I really like the young master and the male god. 】

[Master Pippi is really super cute and said, so cute, okay? ! When the two of them are together, my face is so cute. 】

Almost all of the positive comments on Weibo, Rong Congbai was still sitting blankly, watching the last scene in the video, unconsciously a smile appeared on his pink lips.

Even though there was no sunlight, it felt quite warm.

Pull the progress bar of the video forward a little, and then a little further.

"Are you so black? When Pipi was born, it was difficult to give birth. Fortunately, the mother and child were safe in the end. Have you ever regretted giving birth to him?"

"No regrets."

Pippi watched the video, showing a smirk unconsciously, not at all like him in the usual days.

I don't know how many times it happened, but at the moment when the door was pushed open, Shu Cheng's voice of "no regrets" was still ringing in the room.

With a smile on Rong Junyi's lips, he looked at a little guy with a look of astonishment, and turned off the video in a panic, completely losing his usual elegant look.

This little guy has always been good at pretending, and his demeanor in front of people is just right, polite and elegant, when will people find out like this?

Rong Congbai coughed twice, touched his nose, and forked it off.

"You can continue." Rong Junyi closed the door.

Rong Cong's blushing cheeks looked at Rong Junyi after the door had been closed, and he couldn't help but click on the video again.

At this time, the door was opened by the man again.

Rong Congbai stared at Rong Junyi, how could he not know that this wicked person like his mother was deliberately playing tricks on him.

Rong Junyi chuckled, "I just want to remind you, watch your eyes and don't look too long."

Rong Congbai rolled his eyes, when did he kindly remind him to pay attention to his eyes before?

on purpose!

It must be on purpose!

How could it not be intentional!

Rong Junyi also knew that he couldn't piss off the little guy, and the rabbit would bite when he was in a hurry, not to mention that this superficial gentleman actually has a lot of dark belly... little guy.

He closed the door gently, "Look slowly."

close the door.

Rong Congbai smiled disdainfully, "Childish man."

If you don't have the guts to say such bad things in front of a man, you can only live your mouth behind your back.

"But it's true, otherwise, why are you with that stupid, woman?"

Rong Congbai knew that it was impossible for Rong Junyi to come back for a third time, so he boldly clicked on Weibo, and all kinds of Shu Cheng and his emoticons were spread all over the sky.

[Baby quietly looks at you pretending to be aggressive [Picture: Rong Congbai]]

[Just be skinny, if you beat me, I'll lose! [Picture: Shu Cheng]]

When the whole internet was frantically swiping Shu Chengrong Congbai, the popularity of a Weibo increased little by little.

[Explosion: Shu Cheng's marriage has changed, and he has a boyfriend at the night party! 】

[Lexun X/X, Shu Cheng brought her baby to a parent-child show, the family who fought each other but was extremely warm, and the Easter egg at the end of the show moved netizens very much. Adorable children, lovely adults, and a warm life let everyone see the real life of the superstar Shu Cheng.

But are these really real?

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