The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 1275 Extra Story Marriage Rumors 10

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

Today, the reporter got an insider's revelation about Shu Cheng's marriage change, so he didn't say much, and took pictures as evidence.

[Picture: Shu Cheng's back holding a man's hand]

[Picture: Shu Cheng and the man's intimate smiling profile]

[Picture: Profile of Shu Cheng and the man hugging]

[Picture: Shu Cheng's Weibo, which seems to be unhappy with the quarrel with Rong Junyi]

[Picture: Photos of the man Shu Cheng cheated on]

[Picture: There is no picture of Shu Cheng wearing a wedding ring]

Above, the editor just wants to say that Shu Cheng's personality has always been three views, so what about these? Sure enough, the expensive circle is really chaotic, the entertainment industry is really deep, the surface shows affection, the show shows affection, and the mainland really doesn't know what it is like. 】

One stone startled a thousand waves.

In just one hour, this Weibo became the top trending headline.

The whole people were shocked.

For a while, the V blog was paralyzed, and the V blog of Shu Chengrong, Junyi, and Yixiu fell, and the number of followers of the V blogger who broke the news increased by hundreds of thousands.

True fans are clamoring that it's impossible, and even passers-by don't think it's true.

But the photos are there, people have to believe it.

One after another, gossip entertainment bloggers came to join in the fun.

There are more and more photos, but how powerful and loyal are Shu Cheng's fans?

How many times had Shu Cheng been hacked, and how many times had they fought bloody battles?

They only believed in Shu Cheng.

They all know that Shu Cheng doesn't like to pretend, she has arrogance and strength and never hides it, she shows her character whatever she wants.

Been through all these years.

Without an official announcement, Shu Cheng fans would not believe any revelations.

This is Shucheng powder!

Over the years, Tang Jun has married and had children, her appearance has become more mature, and her temperament has become more elegant.

She would talk about Shu Cheng's story and their past with her children. She said: "There are two kinds of beliefs in a person's life. One is the country, and my other belief besides the country is Shu Cheng."

That boy became the light in her heart.

That young man is still the same as before.

How could it be possible to flirt with other men while showing affection in V Bo?

She doesn't believe it.

Many people don't believe it either.

Many celebrities voiced their support for Shu Cheng on the V blog and resisted the groundless rumors.

Even so, there was still no way to stop the army of black fans from attacking.

[I've always said that Shu Cheng pretends to be, hehe, always pretends to be upright, Zhuang Sanguan is upright, pretends to be affectionate, your circle is really chaotic, anyway, the baby doesn't understand [Tan Shou]]

[I have always thought that Shu Cheng's fans are simply a cult organization, and now the real hammer has come out, I, Shu Cheng fans, have you been slapped in the face? 】

[Spicy chicken Shu Cheng has been black all his life, arrogant and defiant and still being praised in various ways, hehe, I don’t know how much money was spent to suppress the black material before, hehe, is it exposed now? 】

[Has Rong Junyi been cuckolded? Hahahahahaha, why do I want to laugh so much? Don't you feel embarrassed that the V blog that has always shown affection is still there? @shuchengV@rjyV]


The phone kept ringing, causing Shu Cheng, who was writing a new song, to frown and turn off the phone.

Rong Congbai has been paying attention to the trend of V blog comments, and he didn't bother Shu Cheng who was writing songs in the room with this nonsense.

Her pink lips curled up, and she clicked on a group of penguins with four evil heads.

As the name suggests, the four pests are flies, mosquitoes, mice, and cockroaches.

And he is the mosquito that unknowingly sucks human blood among the four pests.

This brat is quite clear about his position.

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