Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

[Mosquito: Come out, pick up the job @鸡螺@门蛋@肠虫]

The four evils are all neuropathy that Pippi knew when he was stirring up troubles on the Internet.

Rat is a genius hacker, with good intelligence.

Among the four pests, flies engage in arms, the one that talks the most, and it is also the most disgusting one.

Cockroaches... He Yao is a magic stick. He actually refused to be called cockroaches, but when the mice and flies conspired together, they decided on the names of the four pests.

Yelling and yelling, He Yao and Rong Congbai were also used to it.

[Mouse: What's the matter, master? The little ones are at your service. 】

[Fly: Yo, does the young master have time to visit the little ones? 】

[He Yao:? 】

Rong Congbai's fingers tapped on the keyboard quickly.

[Mosquito: The person behind the hot search headlines, check! 】

Except for the mouse, the two of the four pests were taken aback for a moment. This guy, the mosquito, also pays attention to the hot search headline entertainment news?

But speaking of this kind of fake news, why are there so many people spreading it?

Maybe the IQ of this year's netizens is not good.

What kind of status would Rong Junyi allow this kind of family ugliness?

The mouse didn't ask anything, just replied "OK" and started working.

Rong Congbai looked at the OK, with the corners of his lips slightly raised, picked up the milk, and went off the assembly line directly.

The fly was a little curious, but didn't say anything.

This group of people never ask more when one of them needs help, and they only join forces to deal with others. This is their consensus.

Even if he didn't say his identity, it didn't matter, Mosquito had tried his best to help him back then.


The wind on the Internet changes again and again.

From the majority who believe, to the few who believe.

The trolls kept joining, the number of sunspots continued to increase, and more and more black fans went to take the rhythm, and Weibo became a mess.

Star fans from all walks of life are torn apart, scuffle, the post bar is exploded, the forum is exploded...

Another hour later, the wind direction of the network changed again.

Shu Cheng still didn't come out to clarify.

Rong Junyi took a sip of coffee, squinted his eyes slightly, exuding a suffocating atmosphere, "Is it because I have been too low-key all these years?"


One word, but it makes my heart chill.

Suddenly, the door was pushed open from the outside.

The little man stood in front of him and looked directly at him, "Probably so."

Rong Junyi glanced at Rong Congbai with his deep eyes, but didn't say much.

At this time, the wind direction on the Internet has already favored Shu Cheng.

The Heizi Navy is also on the hot search.

[Screenshot of the water army, the lineup of the water army, who wants to mess with Shu Cheng? 】

[Shu Cheng's marriage changed? Heizi hired a large number of sailors, and Weibo was paralyzed many times. Netizens: feel sorry for Weibo programmers]

[The employment of the navy army, the revelation of the marriage, a typical black man with a premeditated plan, Shu Cheng is afraid that he has offended someone, and the marriage is probably fake, there are only photos of the back and profile, and it is so far away, I don’t know what the netizens said So easy to believe. 】

[No wind, no waves, Shu Cheng and Rong Junyi are probably really getting married! 】

The mouse touched his cheek with his tongue, and the hands manipulating the keyboard became faster and faster, until a picture appeared in front of the computer, and he pursed his lips, "OK."

【Four pests】

[Mouse: [picture] information. 】

[Fly: Got it! 】

[He Yao: Yes. 】


interview after class

Jiujiu: Pippi, what do you think of the pests?

Pippi: No one is normal except me.

Jiujiu: Little Yaoyao, what do you think of the four pests?

He Yao: Mental illness.

Jiujiu: Flies and cockroaches, what do you think of the four pests?

Flies (cockroaches): This f*ck is a bunch of geniuses!

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