The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 335 Extra Match (Part Two) (Three in One)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

To be fair, the king didn't use the song they had practiced before, but chose a new song, Feng He and the ordinary people in the city also decided on the competition track.

Still drawing lots to determine the order of appearance, the mao king looked at the note in his hand with raised eyebrows.


There was a slight smile on Shu Cheng's bright red lips under the white mask. After communicating with the band teacher, she walked onto the stage that belonged to her in a leisurely manner.

The guests of the guessing group discussed in low voices in the audience.

"I heard that the king didn't use the songs he had practiced before, but wrote a new song instead?" Jiang Yi asked with a slight frown.

Jiang Jing replied: "Yes, I heard what the band teacher said."

Deng Fuling couldn't help frowning, "Is it so hasty? The quality of this song...I'm afraid..."

"The king is too proud and conceited, the quality of the songs written in such a short period of time..." Li Junna said.

Jiang Jing said, "The king should be sure! How could such a proud person bear losing?"

Jiang Yi said: "The key is that the king is too proud and self-willed. If he won't look good, he will apply for a play-off and have a fair game again. But the quality of such hasty songwriting..."

"Look at what they're talking about!" Jiang Jing said.

The light gathered on the white figure on the stage, Shu Cheng slowly closed his eyes, and when the music started, those dark eyes opened suddenly, and the microphone was placed near his mouth.

"Wandering, on the road,"

"Are you leaving?"

"Fragile, proud,"

"That's what I was, too,"

"Boiling and restless,"

"Where are you going?"

"Mysteriously silent,"

"Are you really listening to the story?"

The audience was taken aback.

"Is this a ballad?"

"Can folk songs be sung like this?"

"I like the lyrics! Are you really listening to the story? It's so emotional!"

Guess the judges.

Deng Fuling was taken aback for a moment, her eyes sparkled, are you really listening to the story? interesting.

"It doesn't seem as bad as we just thought?" Li Junna said.

Jiang Yi also sat up straight, and tapped his index finger on the table following the beat: "Who is the king after writing such a song in such a short period of time? I have no match for such a strength in the music world." of."

"It's not easy to start like this in such a period of time, it's enough to prove the strength of the king, and it doesn't matter how bad it is later."

Shu Cheng also didn't notice the discussion of the people in the audience, took the microphone and sang loudly:

"I have crossed mountains and seas,"

"Also through the sea of ​​people,"

"I used to have it all,"

"In a blink of an eye, it's all gone like smoke,"

"I've been lost and disappointed and lost all direction,"

"Until you see the ordinary is the only answer."

Everyone in the auditorium was silent. I was once disappointed and lost all direction until I saw that ordinary is the only answer.

Ordinary road, who is not?

The guests of the guessing group were so shocked that they couldn't add it. Who is this king? !

In such a short period of time, a song of such excellent quality was created live, this king is simply too scary!

Who is he? !

Shu Cheng is still singing:

"While you're still fantasizing,"

"Your tomorrow,"

"Will she be okay? Or worse?"

"It's another day for me,"

"I've ruined everything I've ever had,"

"Just want to leave forever,"

"I once fell into the boundless darkness,"

"I want to struggle and can't extricate myself,"

"I used to be like you, like him, like the weeds and flowers,"

"Desperate, longing, crying and laughing, ordinary."

Shu Cheng closed his eyes, and the ordinary and extraordinary lives he met in various time and space and planes echoed in his mind.

As a system, she has not experienced so much, but she has seen it.

She has met countless ordinary and sincere people. She doesn't know what she will look like in the future, but she will try her best to live the look she wants.

"Go ahead and go like this,"

"Even if you were given anything,"

"Go ahead and go like this,"

"Even if something is taken from you,"

"Go ahead and go like this,"

"Even if you miss something..."

The auditorium was quiet, there was no discussion, only empathy.

Such ordinary, such stubborn, such they are just like the song.

Jiang Yi and the guests of the guessing group were frowning and searching for relevant candidates in their minds based on the lyrics, trying to discover the identity of the king, but the more they thought about it, the more clueless they became.

"Who is this the king?! Could it be that he is not from the music world?! The key is whether the people in the music world have such singing skills and typhoons?"

"The key is that the king's behavior and voice don't look like an older person, but the meaning and artistic conception in the song are all..."

Jiang Jing suddenly laughed and said, "Suddenly remembered that he said he was seventeen last time, and then seventy. He really can say anything in order not to reveal his identity, haha."

Standing on the stage, Shu Cheng continued to sing:

"I have crossed mountains and seas,"

"Also through the sea of ​​people,"

"I used to ask the whole world"

"Never got an answer."

The guests of the guessing group were stunned, with tears in their eyes, immersed in the song and unable to extricate themselves.

Is this a song that someone who has been through something can write?

What kind of person is this king?

With the pride of a child, the fireworks of different colors in the blue sky are ordinary but extraordinary...

Shu Cheng continued to sing:

"I'm just like you like him like the weeds and flowers,"

"Somewhere, this is the only way I have to go,"

"Time speaks nothing of such and such,"

"Tomorrow is here."

"The road the wind blows is still far away,"

"Where did your story end?"


A song is over.

All the audience and guests of the guessing group couldn't help standing up and applauding the person on the stage.

"The king!"

"The king!"

"The king!"

"The king!"


Standing on the stage, Shu Cheng enjoyed everyone's cheers, the corners of his bright red lips raised under the mask.

Jiang Yi smiled and said, "I'm really more and more curious about your identity. You wrote a new song in such a short period of time, and it's such an excellent new song!"

Deng Fuling applauded: "The slow lyrical rhythm, clear voice and low-pitched singing make the songs full of warmth and sadness. The songs let the listeners enjoy the feeling of peace and youth, and find the future in the sadness and confusion. Direction, this song is really excellent, excellent!"

Jiang Yi also commented: "The typical Trip-Hop-style chord decomposition sings the voice of ordinary people. It is sincere and open enough to interpret an extraordinary life journey. The lyrics of "Ordinary Road" choose deliberately rough Feeling, the Rap at the end of the song sounds more direct to people's hearts, truly expressing the voices of everyone, and wonderfully interpreting the song of life with rich emotions..."

Li Junna frowned: "Senior, I'm curious, where did the inspiration for this song come from?"

There was an evil light in Shu Cheng's dark eyes, and a smile on her lips. She picked up the microphone: "This song is not written about me, but about some people in life. It may be the voice of most people. But it won't be mine."

"Ah—!" Everyone was shocked by the king's answer.

"Life is as gorgeous as summer flowers, and death is as quiet and beautiful as autumn leaves, my life motto." Shu Cheng smiled softly.

Everyone's attention was on the white figure on the stage, the king was elegant, dignified, and flamboyant.

However, such arrogance is not annoying, but admirable.

Until the host announces that Shu Cheng is going to leave the stage, and ordinary people from the market enter the stage, he doesn't feel annoyed when he sees that the audience's attention is obviously not on him, because he knows that as long as the strength is good enough, the audience can tell the difference, the audience is not stupid, they have ears, As long as your voice is enough to attract them, they will buy you.

He thought it was a bit funny when he recalled his dissatisfaction with the king before. After all, he was not strong enough. The audience looked forward to the king's singing, which only showed that he was strong enough.

At this moment, he thought a lot.

The lights gradually dimmed, and the common people in the city closed their eyes, feeling much calmer.

No matter what the result is, singing a good song is what a singer should do.

"I can still remember that day,"

"met you,"

"Fall in your eyes,"

"The infatuation that is destined to remain in this life..."


After singing a song by common people in the city, the guests of the guessing group and the audience couldn't help but applaud him. Although the applause was not as warm as the king's on stage before, the response was good.

Jiang Yi showed satisfaction: "You performed better this time than the last one. I can even hear the sincerity of your songs. This is a real singer."

There are also many audiences talking about it.

"Besides the king, my favorite now is the common people in the city. They sing super nicely!"

"It's really nice! But I still prefer the king haha!"

"The common people in the city actually sang well! This song is much better than the last time he played it!"


The last to enter the scene was the wind.

She brought everyone a super difficult song, but because the song was too difficult, she couldn't control it and made frequent mistakes. The response to this song was very average.

Feng Yin listened to the comments of the guests of the guessing group with a gloomy face, and pushed all the faults on the king.

If it weren't for the king, she wouldn't be like this now!

Obviously, all the applause and cheers and the title of King of Songs should belong to her!

But she forgot that among all the singers, she was the last to appear on the stage, that is, the one who had the most rehearsal time. Compared with the king and ordinary people in the market, she had more time to prepare for this scene, and the order of the last appearance was also the same. It is very beneficial to her, because her own strength did not catch the audience's ears.

This wind always pushes responsibility and one's own faults on others.


Undoubtedly, the king once again won the title of King of Songs and won the title of King of Songs again and again.

The following are the common people in the market, followed by the wind.

When Feng looked at the voting results, his face became more gloomy, the king, you wait, I will definitely win you next time we meet!

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