The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 336 Broadcasting (1 more) (2 in 1)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

In a blink of an eye, it was the day when "The King of Masked Singer" was broadcast, and countless viewers were waiting in front of the TV.

Yonago Jiu waited in front of the TV, wanting to see what kind of surprise the flamboyant white figure that surprised her last time would bring her this time.

"The confession balloon blows across the street,"

"Smiles fly in the sky,"

"You said you were a bit difficult to track down and wanted me to quit,"

"Gifts don't need to pick the most expensive leaves, but the fallen leaves of the Champs Elysees."

"Oh make a romantic date that isn't afraid to screw things up."


Yonago Jiu tapped the table with his fingers to the beat, the corners of his lips raised high, "It's very suitable for teasing girls!"

The Internet is also bombed.

[I didn't expect the king to be able to control this style! Fuck me, which music senior is The King? ! Entering this game to amuse us? ! @masked the king]

[Confession balloon? Is the king a young man? #Masked Singer King#]

on tv

"Then let me ask a little question, how old are you?"


There was another burst of silence on the Internet.

[I almost believed it [laughing and crying] [laughing and crying]]

[I almost believed it [laughing and crying] [laughing and crying]]

[This the king is too messed up! Seventeen? ! Does anyone believe it? If the king is really seventeen, the baby will eat the keyboard live! 】

[If the king is really seventeen, labor and management will eat the keyboard live! 】

[Who the hell is this the king! 】

The broadcast of "The King of Masked Singer" continues.

"How old are you?"


All the audience in front of the TV are speechless, seventeen, seventy? ! Can you tell the truth? !

【…@盖面the king】

【...You won, you really won @门面the king#除面歌王#]


"Why are the clothes from the small shop frequently stolen? Why are the underwear of the nursing home being fisted by black hands? Why are tens of thousands of donkeys screaming in the middle of the night? Who is responsible for the serial rape case? Who is the door of the nunnery knocked every night? Ghost? What is hidden behind the unexpected pregnancy of hundreds of mummies?"

"Behind all this is the distortion of human nature or the loss of morality? Is it the outbreak of hormones or the helplessness of hunger? Focus on today's second song."

【what's the situation? ! Is the king's next song this dark? ! 】

[The king produced, must be a boutique! 】

[Inexplicably excited! 】

【look forward to! But is such a dark theme really all right? ! 】

Those who watched the scene looked at the comments on the Internet, with a honey smile on the corner of their lips.

Looking forward to it? Looking forward to it!

Very good, you have successfully been tricked!


When all the audience was looking forward to watching, the king stood on the stage, and the name of the song appeared on the screen——

"if you serious you lose"

The six words successfully teased the audience watching "The King of Masked Singer" all over the country.

Yonago Jiu laughed when he saw this, "It's really good, it looks like a baby, hahaha!"

[I'm going, I want to hit someone! No wonder a friend of mine who had been to the scene just now sent me six words, "If you are serious, you will lose". I thought he was joking! This routine is too deep! @masked the king]

[After going through the king's seventeen and seventy routines just now, I actually foolishly believed his words! I don't know whether behind all this is the distortion of human nature or the loss of morality, I only know——

I rely on Yaya, what should I do if I really want to hit someone? !

#Masked Singer King#]

【——"Little Sunflower Mom's class is starting!"

—— "What should I do if my idol is too naughty?"

——“It’s enough to have a good beating.” @除面the king]

Time passed slowly, and the song "If you are serious, you will lose" was sung.

The audience in front of the TV couldn't help frowning. In fairness, the feeling of this song by the king is really much worse than the other three songs of the king.

However, the score on the screen showed that the king led by only nine votes, and won the title of King of Songs.

Many people on the Internet are unfair, thinking that such a song makes the king not deserve the title of song king in this issue.

The next moment, the voice that had been modified from the TV came out.

"I will give up the title of King of Singers this time and apply for an extra competition."


"It's too ugly for me to win this game."

All the audience was shocked.

【man! This is the real man! With this courage, labor and management will be fans of the king for life! 】

[Don't be cowardly, just do it! 】

[Winning is too ugly, haha, this is the king! I can't even hate such an arrogant person, am I sick? 】

[I am also sick, I have a disease called "the king", there is no cure for it [laughing and crying] [laughing and crying]]

[An Ru Mian V: Many people say that the king is too arrogant and doesn't know how to restrain himself, but I don't think so. In my eyes, he is arrogant and sincere.

He didn't allow himself to win so embarrassingly, so he chose to give up this opportunity and gave other players a fair chance.

Suddenly fell in love with this flamboyant the king! 】


"You know the quality of your last song was mediocre, right?"

The king nodded.

"Then why do you still want it?"

"Because I'm in a good mood, suitable for playing games."

【Haha, the king, are you so self-willed? Did your parents make it up? ! 】

【How cute is self-willed! Hahaha! 】

[I really like the king, hahaha! 】

[Does the king treat the competition as a child's play? ! 】

[I don't like the king, I don't respect this stage at all! 】

[I didn't like the king at the beginning, even if the song is good, it can't cover up the reality of bad personality! 】


The playoffs started, the king was the first to appear on the stage, and there were still black people on the Internet who kept complaining that the king was exhausted. The song "Seriously You Lose" was simply unbearable, disrespecting the stage and seniors!

When the singing sounded, all the sunspots shut their mouths.


"I have crossed mountains and seas,"

"Also through the sea of ​​people,"

"I used to have it all,"

"In a blink of an eye, it's all gone like smoke,"

"I've been lost and disappointed and lost all direction,"

"Until you see the ordinary is the only answer."


【classic! So classic! 】

[A rare and classic song! 】

[Slap in the face? ! Just ask those black people, do you slap your face? ! 】

[Come, come, come out, those sunspots who just said that the king is exhausted, let's have a good chat! 】

[I beat the king with his strength, hahaha! 】


"I am really more and more curious about your identity. You have written a new song in such a short period of time, and it is such an excellent new song!"

[I rely on it! Am I wrong? Not a prepared song? ! 】

[666666, the king is too awesome! 】

[The song written on the spot is written like this? ! Anyway, I don't believe it, hehe, the king will continue to make a show with the guests. 】

【The king has something to do with the director! Let's make it up, let's continue to make it up, it's better to give the title of the king directly! 】

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