Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

On the official website, the four characters "An Zhi Ruo Su" hang at the top of the list, and the bottom is full of traditional published authors.

So the netizens exploded, the traditional writers of the publishing house exploded, and the authors of the Internet literary world followed suit.

And the reason for all this is because of the words "An Zhi Ruo Su".

Network author exchange group.

[Damn it, An Zhiruosu has only entered the online literature world for less than a year, right? ! 】

[Fuck me, An Zhiruosu is so awesome! 】

[How many years will I earn this manuscript fee! An Zhiruosu is too cruel! The manuscript fee has suppressed the traditional authors, is this Nima really a human being? 】

[I'll go, An Zhiruo is number one! 】

[The author of the web article has never been on this list before, An Zhiruosu is too awesome! I just did a preliminary calculation, and the sum of the top ten manuscript fees barely exceeds An Zhiruosu! 】

[Damn it, it's so scary? ! How can I live like this? ! 】


An Zhiruo Su reader group.

[Anda is mighty and domineering! 】

【handsome! First! And became the first web author to be listed on the rich list of writers! 】

[Anda is so strong! It's a pity that "Intimacy", "Those Years" and "Stewardess" have not been published, and they have not been serialized on the website, otherwise there must be more in Anda than here! And now the sum of the top ten manuscript fees barely exceeds An Zhiruosu! 】

[When I see the words An Zhiruosu, my blood boils! Mrs. Anda is so amazing! 】

[The belief in this life: peace of mind! 】

[The belief in this life: peace of mind! 】

[It feels like it was yesterday when An capital wrote "Dou Po"! In the blink of an eye, An Da has turned from a young rookie into a master. This road is too fast! 】


Publisher Traditional Writer.

"Have you read the list of the richest writers in country Z? We were all defeated by a web writer!"

"What did you say?! How is it possible?!"

"See for yourself!"


"I'll tell you one more thing, the addition of the top ten manuscript fees barely exceeds An Zhiruosu!"


"By the way, let me tell you one more thing. He has three popular books that have not been serialized or published on the website, which means he could have earned more!"


"Also, he has been writing online articles for less than a year now."


"Is it exciting?"

"It's so exciting!"


It's bombed, everyone's bombed!

It took only one year for An Zhiruosu to become number one on the list of richest writers in Country Z!

What a horror!

How cruel this is!

An Zhiruosu, who has topped the rich list with such a strong posture, has become the belief of many writers in the Internet literature world!

In recent years, the network writers in country Z have been suppressed by traditional authors of the publishing house, saying that they are not popular authors, and no one has ever been able to compare with the traditional authors of the publishing house, but the appearance of An Zhiruosu made them suddenly hopeful.

There was a surge of passion in the bottom of my heart.

And there are only four words that ignite their blood, and these four words are——

Take it easy!

The V blog is full of cheers and applause from Internet writers and An Dafans, while the traditional authors of the publishing house are all silent.

All major social networking sites were swiped by An Zhiruosu's huge fans!

"Belief in this life: peace of mind!"

"Belief in this life: peace of mind!"

"Belief in this life: peace of mind!"


The cheers of such a group of people at this time and the surging blood in their hearts have become the most precious memories of youth in the days to come.

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