The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 456 Calling for Papers (5)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

Knowing that Shu Cheng, who has exploded on the Internet, doesn't care about eating lollipops at all, the first is the first, what's so surprising? It's not surprising that it's not the first!

Shu Cheng raised his eyelids slightly, and looked at the call for papers notice on the wall of the Literature Club, an unidentified light flashed in his dark eyes, Call for papers?

"God, are you interested in this call for papers?" The girl looked at Shu Cheng and kept staring at the call for papers and asked aloud.

There was an evil smile on the corner of Shu Cheng's mouth with a lollipop in his mouth, and his voice was as gentle as the wind in March, gorgeous and elegant: "Yes."

"What's there to be proud of? It's like pulling something." A boy not far away looked at Shu Cheng with a look of disdain.

This boy is Zhang Guobao, one of the freshmen of Tsinghua University, the number one scholar in H Province, and now the Chinese Department of Tsinghua University. He has participated in countless essay competitions since he was a child, and is called a rising star in the literary world by the outside world.

In Tsinghua University, where there are a lot of academic masters, some of them are Shu Cheng's fans and fans, while others are dissatisfied with Shu Cheng and start to compete. Zhang Guobao belongs to the latter.

He really thought that Shu Cheng's poems were excellent, and "Love Life" at the opening ceremony was also exceptionally good, but he believed that he could be even better than him.

Seeing that his companions were chatting about Shu Cheng's poems, he couldn't help frowning, and gave Shu Cheng a fierce look. He will also participate in the essay competition this time, and this time there will only be one first prize.

So: he must come back with a first prize.

Shu Cheng naturally did not ignore Zhang Guobao's eyes,

Seeing Shu Cheng's eyes, the girl next to him immediately opened her mouth to explain to Zhang Guobao: "God, don't mind, Zhang Guobao is just a child, a bit aggressive, but he has no bad intentions."

"Zhang Guobao?" Shu Cheng raised his eyebrows slightly, and silently complained about this very low name in his heart.

The girl didn't know about Shu Cheng's mental activities, and didn't think too much about it, "This essay competition is a national level competition, quite formal, and many people who are interested in this aspect should participate, the competition is very high."

"Oh." Shu Cheng raised his eyebrows, and lazily answered one word. Seeing that the girl seemed to be in embarrassment, he immediately added: "I see."


Zhang Guobao had no influence on Shu Cheng, and even forgot his name in a blink of an eye, but Zhang Guobao was already thinking hard about what to write.

His attitude is so serious that even Zhang Guobao's parents are Yijing. Zhang Guobao has never seen him so nervous and serious when he participated in various competitions since he was a child!

Shu Cheng thought for a while, and then began to write——

[For noodle restaurants, the busiest time is New Year's Eve. This day at Beihaiting Noodle Restaurant has been extremely busy from early on.

The street, which is usually lively until 12 o'clock at night, becomes very quiet after 10 o'clock on New Year's Eve. The customers of Beihaiting noodle restaurant also seemed to have disappeared suddenly at this time.

Just when the last customer went out and the store owner said that the store was closed, the store door was creaked open. A woman walks in with two children. Two boys, about 6 and 10 years old, in brand new sportswear. The woman was wearing an out-of-season checkered short coat.

"Welcome!" The proprietress stepped forward to greet her. 】

The story begins here.

This story is called "A Bowl of Yangchun Noodles", also translated as "A Bowl of Soba Noodles in Clear Soup". It is a deeply touching story, because under its plain language, there is the power of personality and the brilliance of humanity that touch the soul.

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