The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 814 The new book has been written (one more)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

I don't know how Shu Cheng developed the habit of wanting to mess up things when he's in a bad mood or when he's in a good mood. Anyway, she's very good at digging holes now.

But now Shu Cheng is obviously in a bad mood, so

[An Zhiruo Su V: The new book has been written. 】

The five words made many people boil, and the comment area started to be noisy.

[Anda is very active today! Have you taken a stimulant? I used another account to show off a wave of love before, and now I want to release a new book? 】

The comment area started to be noisy, one by one getting more and more noisy.

[Wait for the release of the new book [expression: cute]]

[Wait for the release of the new book, may I ask the type of the new book? 】

[Ask for the type of new book. 】

[Same request. 】

[What type of An Da's new book? Hope it's martial arts! 】

[What martial arts! I think it's fantasy! 】

Some people think it’s martial arts, some people think it’s fairy tales, some people think it’s history, some people think it’s tomb robbery, some people think it’s fantasy, some people think it’s competition, some people even more objection it might be science fiction, some even guess pure love...

Everyone was arguing.

An Da fan who likes martial arts feels that An Zhiruosu has not written a new martial arts for so long, and this time he must write martial arts.

An Da fan who likes Xianxia feels that An Zhiruo has never written Xianxia since he wrote "Mortal" and "Zhu Xian", so this time it must be Xianxia.


Anda fans who like fantasy feel that fantasy works like "Dou Po" are, after all, this is Anda's first work.

No one obeys anyone.

Everyone thinks it should be the type they like, not other types.

A poll was launched on the Internet-

[Guess on the type of An Zhiruosu's new book]

Fantasy voted the most, followed by Xianxia. . . The last one is pure love.

At this time, some people are wondering why there is no fairy tale type in the options?

This seemingly silly question was immediately despised by netizens.

[I'm dying of laughter, baby! You said: "Why are there no fairy tales?" An Da said that "Harry Potter" is a series, which means that An Da must have no other experience in writing fairy tales to write another fairy tale! 】

[It's not like you don't know about Anda's piss. When did he finish a book and write the same subject next time? ! I just wrote "Harry Potter", this time I will definitely not write again! 】

[The young man looks like a newcomer! 】

【Brother, learn a bit from now on. If you follow us, you have to get used to Anda's piss. If you follow us, you have to learn more from brother Qingliu @叫人身的一条清流, and then you will scold a group of people on the battlefield, understand? 】

【Are you new here? Hahaha! 】

Netizens who asked why it wasn't "Harry Potter" received a wave of ridicule from Andy fans.

However, he also knew that such group ridicule was not malicious, but it enhanced the relationship between everyone.

For example, as soon as he entered the penguin colony in Ontario, when he knew his ID, everyone immediately expressed their concern for the newcomer.

Except for the newcomer's joke, everyone was arguing about the subject of Anda's new book.

[It must be martial arts! Anda hasn't written a new martial arts novel for a long time, this time it must be martial arts! 】

[Why don't you say it's pure love? ! Martial arts not long ago "New Martial Arts" was still being serialized, it's been a long time since Chunai wrote! Anda might write pure love on a whim! 】

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