The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 815 Not posting (two more)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

[It’s been a long time since I wrote fantasy, okay? ! Are you stupid? ! Fantasy is An Da's masterpiece, and he will definitely return to fantasy! 】

[I bet pure love! 】【I bet on fantasy! 】【I bet Xian Xia! 】【I bet on fantasy! 】【I bet on the city! ]...【It must be fantasy! 】【It must be the city! 】【Do you have any brains, you must be Xianxia! 】【I think it's pure love! 】【A group of idiots! Grave robbery! 】【"Ghost Blowing Lantern" is an eternal classic! Support Anda to write Tomb Raiders again! 】……

Such a group of people quarreled in the comment area like elementary school students, and no one said too much. After all, these were comrades who had fought in many places together before.

Naturally, there is a difference between dealing with the enemy and dealing with friendly forces.

So everyone didn't use the cursing skills they learned from @口人会的一条清流, but——

"Are you my brother? If you don't stand on my side, I will never play with you again."

"..." Dude, have you taken your medicine? we met?

Bai Yihan looked at the comment area and sighed, no, it is not so childish for elementary school students to quarrel now.

The kid in his relative's house wouldn't fight like this.

Just yesterday, Little Kid was fighting with another student.

The little boy said: " call again, I can call someone to come!"

Another elementary school student said: " hit! I don't believe it! Slightly slightly, no one is afraid of anyone!"

Then the little kid really ran to make a phone call, and when he came back, he uttered a harsh word to the elementary school student: "You will know how you died in 30 minutes!"

At this time, the elementary school students were extremely nervous, but there was nothing they could do.

After 30 minutes, the school broadcast: "Student XX, you have a visitor, please go to the Academic Affairs Office."

Although the elementary school student was very scared, but thinking about it, he was in the Academic Affairs Office, so he should be fine, so he went to the Academic Affairs Office.

A young man with hair dyed blond walked towards him: "Are you so-and-so?"

The primary school student was very confused, so he could only bite the bullet and say, "I'm just..."

"Sorry for the long wait, here are 10 servings of Hawaiian pizza with chicken, 5300 yuan."

Primary school student: "..."

Bai Yihan and An Bai, who were in charge of picking up the little kids home after school, couldn't laugh or cry when they heard about this.

This is the first time I know that the consequences of elementary school students' quarrels are so serious. The elementary school student in his relative's family is so young, not to mention the first-rate flirting skills, but also has such a dark belly.

Bai Yihan looked at the current An Zhiruosu comment area again, a group of quarreling without thinking, this kind of quarrel is not as good as elementary school students.


[What's the noise? ! Ann University will post about the subject matter and some chapters of this book on the V blog in a while. What is the use of your BB? 】

Shu Cheng looked at the comments about these speculations in the comment area, took out a candy from the candy box, tore off the wrapper and stuffed it in his mouth, a playful light flashed in his dark eyes.

Who told you that I'm going to post on Vbo?

Shu Cheng's fingers danced across the keyboard, typing each word.

[Shu Cheng V: I'm not going to post [smile]]

In a word, everyone in the comment area was stunned.

Not ready to post? What's the meaning?

Is it what they think? ?

[Shu Cheng V[reply to V blog]: It should be. 】

"Fuck!" Qiu Haichuan stared blankly at the computer screen, "Anda has really become more and more skinny recently! Could it be that after having a husband, will Xiaoshou become so skinny?"

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