The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 844 Principal (Part 2)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

Although her strength alone is insignificant, sometimes even some of Liu Tinger's fans will see her and abuse herself in turn.

But Xu Xinxin didn't care, she just relieved her anger like this, and some people really believed her words and scolded Liu Tinger along with her.

It seems that in a few days, a team of sailors will be invited to put Liu Tinger's scandal on the hot searches! At that time, Liu Ting'er's reputation will definitely be ruined.

Shu Cheng plans to open a new book, but he doesn't know what topic to choose yet, and while he is still hesitating, a flash of inspiration suddenly strikes him.

Perhaps, it's time to go back to Tsinghua University to cultivate my sentiments, maybe under the infection of this academic atmosphere, I will have inspiration.

Shu Cheng left as soon as he said he would.

When I came to Tsinghua University, I met Guan Yufei as soon as I entered the school.

"Shu Cheng, why are you free to come to school today?" Guan Yufei saw Shu Cheng, who was once in a hundred years, appear in Tsinghua University.

Suddenly feel a little surprised.

I heard that he has been busy with a lot of things recently, and some TV series have started filming.

I didn't expect to have time to come.

"Come here to see you." Shu Cheng juvenile tilted his head, his dark eyes shone with a smile under his black shattered hair, shrugged his shoulders, and the red earring on his left ear emitted a dark red light.

"Come on, I think you have bad intentions." Guan Yufei fixed his eyes on Shu Cheng, as if he wanted to see something from it.

Shu Cheng stood calmly and steadily on the spot, still chewing gum in his mouth, his eyes met Guan Yufei's pupils without hesitation, and the corners of his mouth were lightly hooked: "Otherwise, what do you think I'm doing when I come back?"

"How do I know?" Guan Yufei shrugged and said, "Oh, but I heard that the principal seems to be looking for you recently."

"Principal?" Shu Cheng frowned. What would the principal do if he asked him?

"Yes, but I don't know what it is. He came to the classroom that day to ask if you came. But he didn't say anything specifically." Guan Yufei rubbed his chin and said.

"Oh." Shu Cheng replied unhurriedly, thinking maybe it's time to go to the principal's office.

"Could it be that you caused something?" Guan Yufei looked at Shu Cheng with a gossipy expression, as if he wished that Shu Cheng would cause something to happen.

Shu Cheng rolled his eyes at him, walked around Guan Yufei's shoulder without saying a word, and walked forward in a cool and handsome manner.

"Hey, hey, Shu Cheng, we haven't seen each other for several days, don't you want to catch up with me?" Guan Yufei spoke excitedly from behind, screaming wildly at Shu Cheng's back.

Shu Cheng rolled his eyes again, what's your name, I don't want to catch up with you at all.

Then, with a steady pace, he walked towards the principal's office handsomely and unrestrainedly.

"Knock knock knock" Shu Cheng knocked on the door of the principal's office.

When the principal saw Shu Cheng, he was surprised for a moment, and then burst out laughing excitedly.

"Oh! Shu Cheng! You're here, you miss me so much!" The principal raised his eyes, looked at Shu Cheng excitedly, muttered something, stood up quickly, and walked in front of Shu Cheng.

Shu Cheng suddenly got goosebumps all over his body. It is really a very painful thing to be told by an old man like the principal that he misses her. It would be great if this was a beautiful and lovely young lady.

However, Shu Cheng just thought about it silently in his heart. He should respect elders like the principal.

Shu Cheng hooked the corners of his mouth, and went straight to the sofa in the principal's office with Erlang's legs crossed, chewing the candy again and again.

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