Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

The principal quickly made tea for Shu Cheng.

"Principal, I just heard that you are looking for me?" Shu Cheng looked at the other party and asked strangely.

The principal was stunned for a moment, maybe because the old man's memory is not good, and then suddenly realized: "Is it the classmates in your class who told you? I was looking for you. I went to your class to look for you, but you were not here. I'll be in touch with you in the next two days."

The principal spoke very politely today, and Shu Cheng faintly felt that maybe there was something he wanted from him.

"Well, principal. Tell me, what do you want me for? Maybe you want to punish me." Shu Cheng made a fool of himself.

The principal quickly shook his head: "Oh, how could it be, you are such a good person, how could I punish you."

"Then tell me, what are you looking for me for?" Shu Cheng said slowly.

"Look, our Tsinghua University is about to celebrate its 100th anniversary. We want to start making a movie, but the protagonist may need someone who is well-known and has good acting skills, so..." The principal raised his eyes, observing Shu Cheng's expression from time to time .

When Shu Cheng heard this, he probably understood the meaning of the principal: "So you mean, you want me to be the protagonist and make a movie for our Tsinghua University?"

Seeing that Shu Cheng was so savvy, the principal nodded quickly: "Yes, yes, that's what it means."

Shu Cheng's deep and dark eyes turned: "Okay, I understand, but I want to know what the script looks like?"

"The theme we determined was to make a film about the century-old history of Tsinghua University, and then the story line is divided into three. That is to say, it is divided into three periods of Tsinghua University. The experiences and destinies of different people show the changes of the times. It can be said that Tsinghua University has witnessed the growth of one student after another." When the principal mentioned this incident, he gestured excitedly, his fingers trembling slightly, and the more he talked, the more excited he became. It was obvious that he also had very deep feelings for Tsinghua University.

" sounds pretty good, so is the script finished?" Shu Cheng asked, if it was really a good movie, she could really consider it.

"Okay. I'll show it to you." With that said, the headmaster quickly got up and took out a document from the drawer.

Shu Cheng took it and turned to the first page, and saw two large characters - "Wuwen Xidong".

These four words hit Shu Cheng's heart in an instant, the words Wuwen Xidong were really good, and it's no wonder that they are from Tsinghua University, even the name of the movie is so powerful.

Shu Cheng was immediately captivated by the title, and immediately became interested in reading the script.

The more I look at it, the more interesting it becomes.

The story line is divided into three sections, all of which are stories of Tsinghua students. From this script, Shu Cheng can even see the shadow of Tsinghua University in those days.

"Good script!" Shu Cheng slapped his thigh and shouted excitedly.

Closed the script.

The principal looked at Shu Cheng expectantly: "How about it, do you think this script is good?"

Shu Cheng nodded quickly, his dark eyes flashed a dazzling light, handsome and evil: "I haven't seen such a good script for a long time. Who wrote it?"

"Our Faculty of Arts called several people to create it together." Seeing that Shu Cheng liked it, the principal couldn't help but feel a little proud.

"So that's the case." Shu Cheng stroked his chin and nodded.

"Then what do you think about the filming?" The principal looked at Shu Cheng and asked, because the school's funds are limited, if it is really necessary to hire a big-name actor like Shu Cheng, the funds must not be enough, but such a good script, and It can't be played by a bad actor, or it will be ruined when the time comes.

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