Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

"Actually, sometimes, I miss home very much." Zhang Qianbo sighed to Liu Ting'er as he looked into the distance, his eyes dimmed.

At this moment, Liu Ting'er felt that Zhang Qianbo had so many similarities with herself.

She opened her mouth and was about to say something when the director and Shu Cheng rushed over.

The director spoke excitedly, looking at Liu Ting'er with admiration: "Liu Ting'er, I didn't expect you to play the guzheng so well. When you were filming the last scene, you even knew how to embroider. It really impressed me."

"Tell me, is there anything else you don't know?" Shu Cheng smiled handsomely, squinting his eyes, deliberately teasing Liu Ting'er.

Listening to everyone's praise, Liu Ting'er felt very embarrassed: "It's nothing, you've all praised me."

"Hahaha, Ting'er, you are so cute." Seeing Liu Ting'er's shy appearance, Shu Cheng burst out laughing, the evil and sunny smile appeared so free and easy.

"Then there is no need for a double in this scene, let's start shooting. Liu Ting'er, keep your feelings, just like just now. Let's do it again." The director said excitedly, meeting such a good actor, his whole body Lifted up the spirit.

Liu Ting'er did not disappoint the crew at all, she was also serious about filming, she was almost the most hardworking actor, and she was very talented, after the whole audience, her NG times were almost zero.

There were staff members at the scene who posted the video of Liu Tinger playing the guzheng to the official Weibo of "Sword of Heaven".

It caused quite a stir online.

[Liu Ting'er is so talented, she is proficient in all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, she is a rare and wonderful woman! 】

[Wow, turning fans crazy, this video is so beautiful, it's like time travelling, Liu Tinger's guzheng level is at least level ten or above, "Guangling San" can be played without reading the score, I have learned guzheng I immediately knelt down. 】

[Not black, not playing, Liu Tinger plays the guzheng really well. 】

[The sound of someone's jade flute flying darkly, scattered into the spring breeze and filled Luocheng. Hearing the broken willows in this nocturne, who can't afford the love of the hometown. It's really a good poem. I just checked it, but I couldn't find it, so this poem was originally written by Liu Tinger! ! ! God, such a sentence comes at your fingertips. 】

[The beauty is crying, I think Liu Tinger is not a person of our time at all, she really has a kind of classical beauty. 】

[I am a woman who wants to marry her even after seeing it! 】

[How can I say that Shu Chengda has a unique vision? Didn’t someone blackmail Liu Ting’er on the Internet last time, saying that she can’t do anything other than being good-looking? ! 】

【Awesome, I offer my knees. 】


"Oh, my Ting'er is amazing. You are praised all over the Internet, and I'm also praised for my unique vision." Shu Cheng smiled flamboyantly, half-closed his eyes, exuding a handsome aura all over his body.

"Ah? Actually, I'm really not as good as everyone said." Liu Ting'er was so ashamed when she heard them read out the comments from netizens, she wished she could find a hole in the ground and go in. .

She has always been a very humble person, and she doesn't like to express herself in front of many people. Now it is difficult for her to adapt to these voices on the Internet.

Seeing the scene just now, Xu Xinxin on the side became furious. She glanced at the candy that Liu Tinger had placed next to her before, and felt annoyed, so she simply threw the candy into the trash can.

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