The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 861 Wia (Gageng) Jiageng's Reason: Nothing, I'm Happy

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

Hello Liu Tinger!

You stole my limelight!

Why should I let everyone ignore me! all because of you!

Xu Xinxin thought hard.

In the next scene, Liu Ting'er was going to hang on to Wia, Xu Xinxin rolled her eyes, and a wicked and vicious look flashed in her eyes.

While everyone was eating, she came to the control room alone.

Looking at the dazzling array of buttons in the control room, she frowned, then began to find the control button of Wia, and deliberately destroyed the up button.

In this way, if the wire falls down, it will be impossible to rise again.

But Xu Xinxin didn't want to get killed. At the height of today's scene, Liu Tinger's fall would break her leg at most. At that time, she might have to rest for a year or so. Then, her chance came.

Maybe you can directly rise from the second female number to the first female number one.

She had her own plan in mind.

He glanced viciously at the button he had broken, sneered at the corner of his mouth, and walked out of the control room cautiously.

After lunch, Xu Xinxin sat in the distance watching the scene of Liu Tinger flying down from the roof.

The director confirmed again and again: "Ting'er, if you have no choice but to use a double in this scene, safety is more important."

Liu Ting'er thought that if she could, she should not bother others, and this is also a kind of responsibility to herself and the audience.

She shook her head gently, and said to the director: "Director, it's okay, I still want to try it, I think it should work, if it really doesn't work, then change people, do you think it's okay?"

With such a polite and gentle answer, the director could only agree: "Well, then you should pay attention to safety."


Following the announcer's words.

The play has also begun.

After the staff confirmed that the wire tied to Liu Tinger was safe, the play began.

Xu Xinxin looked at the vigilant director team with cold eyes. She knew that the director team would check it so rigorously, but no one would have thought that there was a problem in the control room. Only then will it be discovered.

She hooked the corners of her mouth, quietly waiting for the scene where Liu Ting'er fell off the wire later.

in the play.

Zhao Ling'er was dressed in white, standing on the roof, with tears in her eyes, which fell tightly on Li Xiaoyao's body.

"Have you forgotten about me?" Zhao Ling'er's voice was a little choked up, with a bit of ethereal, as if coming from far, far away.

Li Xiaoyao stood in place, a gust of wind blew by, and a few strands of hair fluttered with the wind.

He opened his mouth and was about to say something.

Zhao Ling'er opened her hands and flew down from the roof.

But this speed?

Zhang Qianbo stood at the same place, watching Liu Tinger flying down from the roof at a very different speed, it wasn't such a fast speed at all?

Oops! !

Zhang Qianbo's pupils tightened suddenly, and he hardly had time to think.

He rushed up in one stride.

It was too late to hold Liu Ting'er.

Zhang Qianbo simply lay down on his stomach, as Liu Tinger's back, and then stretched out his hands, trying to catch Liu Tinger.

"Ah." Liu Ting'er had already landed in mid-air, only to realize that something was wrong, this Wia almost lost control, and fell rapidly.

Her mind went blank for a moment, unable to think at all.

She thought that she was going to die for sure. She might break a leg when she got down from this height.

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