Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

The speed was so fast that no one could react.

However, when Liu Ting'er thought that her body was about to hit the hard and cold ground, the pain she imagined did not hit her.

There seemed to be something under him.

"Ah!" Another scream came from Zhang Qianbo's mouth.

Liu Ting'er only reacted from the shock at this time.

She turned her head in shock, only to realize that it was Zhang Qianbo who was lying under her.

"Are you okay?" Zhang Qianbo didn't have time to take care of his own pain, but cared about Liu Ting'er first.

At that moment just now, he felt that he was about to suffocate. If something happened to Liu Tinger if he didn't catch up in time, Zhang Qianbo didn't know what to do.

However, fortunately, everything was in time, and he finally came under Liu Tinger at the last second.

"I'm fine, how are you?" Liu Ting'er asked with concern. At this time, she finally realized that at the last moment, it was Zhang Qianbo who stepped forward and used his body as a meat pad to get himself out of it. Danger.

But now that he was under him, he didn't know what was going on.

At this time, the director team finally rushed over.

Everyone anxiously asked about the situation of Liu Tinger and Zhang Qianbo.

"Ting'er, how are you doing now? Is it okay? And Qianbo. Are you okay?"

"What are you still doing in a daze? Hurry up and call the doctor over!" The director team was furious and ordered their subordinates angrily.

"Okay! I'll go right away." The director's assistant replied quickly.

"I'm fine, director, I can still stand up by myself." Liu Ting'er didn't want to worry everyone because of her own affairs.

She tried to get up, although Zhang Qianbo was under her body, but she found that she had just fallen due to gravity, and her head was still a little dizzy.

When he stood up, he almost fell to the ground again.

Seeing Liu Tinger like this, Zhang Qianbo immediately became nervous and wanted to stand up and support Liu Tinger.

However, when his feet hurt, fine cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he let out a scream.

At this time, everyone realized that Zhang Qianbo's foot had been injured.

"Ah, what's wrong with your leg?" Liu Ting'er frowned tightly with her beautiful brows, and looked at Zhang Qianbo nervously, feeling worried in her heart, she quickly squatted down to check his injury.

"I'm fine." In order not to worry Liu Tinger, Zhang Qianbo licked the corners of his mouth at Liu Tinger while enduring the severe pain, saying that he was fine.

But everyone present could see that Zhang Qianbo's injury was already serious, and it would be a lie to say that he was fine.

Liu Tinger's eyes turned red immediately, and she blamed herself: "I'm sorry, you became like this because of me. I'm sorry."

Zhang Qianbo quickly shook his hands, and comforted: "What, I'm fine at all. Look, if I didn't do this just now, you, a weak woman, might be in danger of life."

"Come on, let's go, the doctor is here, let the doctor check it out quickly." At this time, the director's assistant ran over and shouted at them.

Everyone quickly stepped aside and let the doctor come in to check Zhang Qianbo and Liu Tinger.

Liu Ting'er was fine, but Zhang Qianbo was more serious. At that time, due to inertia, he rushed over and twisted the ankles of both feet.

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