Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

"Ting'er, Ting'er, don't be angry, we all know that these reports are all fake." The colleagues of the crew came over and comforted Liu Tinger, they all saw what kind of person Liu Tinger was, and they didn't believe this at all. matter.

Liu Ting'er gave them a comforting smile, indicating that she had nothing to do, and she would try her best not to worry about her.

"Ting'er, where did you go last night? How did this happen?"

Liu Ting'er thought for a while and replied:

"Last night I went to deliver food to Qianbo and tidy up his house, but after tidying up, I realized it was too late. Qianbo was afraid that it would be unsafe for me to go back alone, so he let me sleep in their house. Guest room."

When the colleagues heard what Liu Tinger said, they were all aggrieved.

"That's right! I knew this matter was fabricated by the media out of thin air. I saw those photos, and they took them from night to morning. There are really some villains with good intentions trying to discredit Ting'er." The photographer saw Liu Ting'er was so uncomfortable, she was suddenly furious.

"That's right. If you don't have any other skills, you only know how to look at pictures and talk. Why do you want to think about people's friendship so dirty. Look at those titles, it's too substandard, it's really disgusting."

"Ting'er, don't be sad. We all believe in you. Wait a minute, now I'll ask them to post a V blog to clarify."

"I have nothing to do. I expected this day when I entered this circle." Liu Ting'er said.

"No, no one will believe me if I stand up and explain this matter now, and it may push Liu Tinger to the forefront." Liu Tinger's agent, Liu Xuerong, stood up at this time and spoke to the crowd, frowning, Thinking, thinking hard about countermeasures.

"Then what are you going to do now? If you don't explain it, the vicious language on the Internet will really overwhelm us Ting'er. How could such a kind girl like her endure such a blow?" said the makeup artist. Looking at Liu Ting'er worriedly.

On weekdays, Liu Ting'er is very kind to everyone in the crew, and she thinks of everyone. The words that slander her are all based on nothing. The Internet doesn't understand her, but it's too much to start abusing her like this.

"The most exaggerated one is the person who took the sneak shot!" the makeup artist clenched his fists and said angrily.

"I'm fine, everyone go to work first, don't delay the progress of the filming." Liu Ting'er saw that everyone was so worried about herself, and suddenly felt a little guilty. Because my own affairs delayed the progress of the filming, I hooked the corners of my mouth and tried hard to force out a smile.

"Ting'er, why don't you take a rest today. I'll talk to Mr. Shu Cheng first about this matter. I believe he can solve it." After thinking about it for a while, the manager still thought of Shu Cheng. Should be able to settle this matter.

Liu Ting'er nodded and agreed. At this time, she thought about Zhang Qianbo again. According to the speed of this matter, would someone pick Zhang Qianbo out, and then she would implicate him again.

She raised her head to look at the manager at a loss, asking for her opinion: "Xue Rong, tell me, will I implicate Qian Bo by doing this?"

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