Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

The manager patted Liu Ting'er on the shoulder and said comfortingly, "It's okay. I'll go over there and have a talk and ask what's going on. Don't think too much about it now, just take a rest."

Liu Tinger nodded helplessly.

On the other side, Zhang Qianbo had already received a call from Liu Xuerong, and when he turned on his phone, he realized that under the guidance of headline parties and some media, most netizens began to make unwise judgments on this matter.

Netizens saw Liu Tinger walking out of a man's house late at night, and she was not as pure and beautiful as rumored before. This caused many fans to discuss and mistakenly thought that Liu Tinger's private life was very chaotic.

Moreover, many people with ulterior motives actually said that Liu Ting'er was having an affair with several men.

All of a sudden, the news about Liu Tinger on the Internet was filled with all kinds of false rumors.

[Hey, I'm so disappointed. I thought Liu Ting'er was a very nice and well-behaved girl, and she was always worshiped as a goddess, but what happened now. 】

【Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, could it be that nothing happened, we misunderstood it? 】

[The melon-eaters float by, waiting for the truth, looking at the pictures and talking may cause misunderstandings to the parties involved, I hope everyone should calm down and don't start a war casually. 】

【Didn't Liu Tinger's agent clarify that Liu Tinger was single before? That single woman went to a man's house in the middle of the night, and she really couldn't relate to Liu Tinger's temperament, so disappointed. 】

[Fan changed directions. I thought Liu Ting'er was a very educated girl. 】

[I heard that Liu Ting'er will take over the film, and it's because of ambiguity with the director. 】

[Oh my god, I'm terrified when I think about it, she is no longer the pure and lovely girl in my mind. 】


"Damn it!" Zhang Qianbo looked at the scolding of Liu Ting'er on the Internet, and slammed the table fiercely, with anger bursting out of his eyes.

damn it!

Zhang Qianbo began to worry about Liu Tinger, what if she also saw these news, what should she do? Thinking of Liu Tinger being so kind, but being attacked by cyber violence, Zhang Qianbo couldn't stop his heartache, he wished he could protect Liu Tinger now , You can stand beside Liu Tinger to shelter Liu Tinger from the wind and rain.

He dragged his unhealed foot, rushed out quickly, and rushed to the crew as fast as he could.

When Shu Cheng heard the news, he also rushed over.

On the way, I was reading the public opinion of these netizens. The first public opinion was reported by a well-known media, but the other party said it very cryptically. It was the media that forwarded it later and started to add fuel and vinegar, deliberately bluffing and smearing Liu Tinger.

Looking at it this way, it means that someone is playing tricks behind my back.

Liu Ting'er usually has such a good personality, she would never offend anyone at all, who would treat her like this?

Shu Cheng squinted a pair of deep, dark eyes, making it hard to see the expression, and a strange light burst out from the bottom of her eyes.

It seems that it's time to catch the person behind the scenes.

Shu Cheng called Zheng Yi: "Zheng Yi, I need you to retrieve the surveillance video from last night near Zhang Qianbo's house."

"What's the matter?" Zheng Yi was a little strange. Why did Shu Cheng, who knows everything, suddenly want to investigate things?

"Just do as I say." The dark red earrings around Shu Cheng's ears exuded a dim light, and the look in his eyes made people daunting.

"Okay." Zheng Yi replied bluntly.

Shu Cheng hung up the phone. Next, just sit on the person who deliberately discredited Liu Ting'er.

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