The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 893 (Second update)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

"That's right, it's me, you guys better explain this matter to me clearly! You guys are not keeping your word like this!" Huang Sibi shouted with her hands on her waist, looking like a shrew.

The staff frowned in displeasure and said: "The order from above said that this place cannot be lent to you, so there is no way. Regarding your rent, we will refund it to you in full. If you want other compensation Jin, you can also submit an application and ask our superiors for instructions."

"If I don't move it, what will you do to me? Anyway, I have all these things here! I can't move it alone!" Huang Sibi raised her eyebrows and shouted fiercely.

"Then if this is the case, we can only call the security guards to help you move! At that time, we will not be as careful as you when you move, and we will not compensate for any damage." The attitude of the staff is also very She was tough, did not dare to say anything to Huang Sibi, and completely insisted on her own principles.

Shen He looked at it, squinted his eyes, and laughed, it was so refreshing to see Huang Sibi slumped, and regretted not taking a picture for Shu Cheng to see!

Huang Sibi was so stunned that she was speechless, she just stood there, very angry.

"Within half an hour, move out for me. Otherwise, don't blame us for being rude, and we will not be so gentle when we come to move." The high-energy staff left such a sentence coldly, and then Turned around and left.

Only Huang Sibi was left standing there, she didn't know what to do, it seemed that she could only move out.

But he still raised his head unwillingly, looked at Shen He and Yu Zhou, and gave her a hard look: "You all wait for me."

Seeing Huang Sibi deflated, Shen He felt very happy, raised his eyebrows, and said with a sneer, "Okay, we are waiting for you to move, hurry up!"

Huang Sibi's face turned dark with anger, but there was nothing she could do.

In the end, as if to show her dissatisfaction, it took her more than an hour to move the things out.

That night, Huang Sibi expressed her dissatisfaction on the V blog.

[Huang Sibi v: That Shu Cheng is simply a hooligan. Originally, I rented the Straits Convention and Exhibition Center first, but I didn't expect him to send someone to kick me out! He also said that if I didn't move out, I would ask the security guard to throw all my things out. It was too much love and said a lot of insulting words! I will tell my lawyer about this matter and investigate to the end! With such a personality, you still dare to read his book? It's ridiculous! 】

Huang Sibi's v blog also attached a few photos of Shen and the others. He thought that his v blog would get some sympathy and support, but unexpectedly, he attracted Shu Cheng's fans again.

[Hahahaha, Anda did a cool job this time, sorry, the rascal fans are also rascals! We came here specially to see your jokes! 】

[I'm going, this is really unlucky, it's not obvious that I will be slapped in the face when I meet with us on the same day to sign a sale? It's a shame, when the number of fans is not as good as our single digits, tsk tsk tsk, I feel blush just thinking about it. 】

[It's so satisfying, hahaha, why don't you take a few photos of the scene, I really want to see how you move out! 】

[You don't have many fans, it's really not suitable for such a big venue, let us leave the space! We have a lot of people tomorrow! 】

[That's right, don't occupy the latrine and don't shit, this kind of place is safe for us. It must be that the staff of the exhibition can't stand it anymore, that's why they kicked you out. 】

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