Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

[Okay, now we don’t have to wait until Anda personally announces the location, Huang Tirbi has spoiled the location directly, everyone can hurry up and buy tickets! 】

[Yes, yes, I'm going to buy a bus ticket, and I'll rush there early tomorrow morning, I'm a little excited to think that I can see Anda tomorrow. 】

[Huang Tear, you'd better do it yourself, let us have the place, don't come tomorrow when you don't have many people, it's embarrassing enough to occupy such a big place. Our Anda is also thinking of you hahaha. Anda mighty! What are you talking about? Just do it! 】

[Going to book a ticket, I don't have time to fight with you, so I slipped away. 】

[Oh, yes, it's more important to buy a ticket. Today's truce. 】


Huang Sibi looked at the comments, her face turned green, her fingernails were tightly dug into her flesh, and there were bloodstains.

She has bought the trending search for three days. During this time, the trending search will push the news of her new book. There will definitely be people to support her signing event!

Shen He and Yu Zhou arranged the venue smoothly.

Early in the morning, there were already fans queuing up.

Shen He is not surprised at all. She has seen Shu Cheng's popularity before, so it is too late. It is estimated that in the afternoon, the venue may not be able to hold it. Fortunately, security matters have been properly arranged. .

Fans lined up excitedly.

Many people chatted on the Internet for a while, thinking that they were fans of Shu Cheng, and they had a lot in common, and soon the stranger fans got to know each other very well during the queue, and started chatting enthusiastically.

"I've met Anda with my own eyes once before, he's really handsome."

"I don't know if Rong Junyi will come together, we can have a good time by spreading a wave of dog food."

"Hahaha, you can shut up, An Da's personality, maybe you will remember that you and Rong Junyi have sex with each other, and the signing will probably take care of us."

"Hahaha, it makes sense and makes sense."

"Oh, I heard that Huang Sibi is really holding a signing event at the venue next door. If it wasn't for the fear that my seat would be taken, I really want to go and see what kind of depression the next door is in."

Just as he was talking, there was a burst of exclamation from behind.

The teenager's short black hair is a bit messy, his facial features are unbelievably exquisite, and his charming curly and thick eyelashes are shining brightly. There is always a charming smile in his eyes. She walks step by step with steady steps, and arrives in front of the fans. , and deliberately took apart a piece of candy and chewed it.

The boy always thinks that his actions are very handsome.

And the fans held back their laughter, hahaha Anda is really cute.

"There are quite a lot of people here, it's very good for me." The young man smiled wickedly, watching the huge venue was packed to the brim.

"Today is the first release of "The Little Prince". As you all know, because of the fire incident last time, this batch was rushed to print 200,000 copies. The number is limited. The beta version of "The Little Prince" will be interviewed for the official book within two days." Shen He stood up and spoke to the fans with a microphone. There are so many people coming to this exhibition today. Afraid that the voice will be suppressed.

"Okay, okay, stop talking, hurry up, hurry up!" The hooligan temperament of the fans was fully revealed again, they didn't want to listen to Shen He's nonsense, and now getting An Da to sign for themselves is the most important thing ah.

"Okay, let's start then." Shu Cheng hooked the corners of his lips wantonly, and smiled at all the fans present.

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