Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

If her book doesn't sell any more, the partner will terminate the contract. Huang Sibi has no choice but to take risks. As long as she uses this method, many people will definitely buy her own book in order to prove that Shu Cheng did not plagiarize.

But being scolded is inevitable, Huang Sibi is not afraid, she is immune to these things on the Internet, and she has been scolded quite a lot before.

As long as this trick is successful and someone buys his book, he will definitely find that his book is even more beautiful than Shu Cheng's "The Little Prince".

[No way, people's Ann is written in red roses, and your white rose is said to be an infringement? If I don't scold you, I'll feel annoyed! 】

[Fuck! This brat is really sick. The new book was released at the same time. How could he plagiarize? If a person is shameless, he really can do anything? 】

[Huang Tirbi, I just can't figure out how the stinky ditch from the Shengou Bridge got into your mind. 】

[Have you all read the color palette? It’s too far-fetched. Originally, the language style of fairy tales is similar. There is nothing wrong with the plot of "The Little Prince". There is no problem of plagiarism. 】

[Wait for Anda to come out, this is slander! slander! Publicly spread rumors! It is legally responsible! 】

【Did Huang Tili really think that we would buy her book and prove that Anda didn't plagiarize? Everyone, don't be fooled! 】

[Ah, it really makes sense to say so, if you go to buy books to collect evidence now, wouldn't you fall into the trap of pornography? Calm down, everyone, don't try to increase the sales of Huang Tiebi's book! 】

[It really is a scheming bitch! 】

[@安之如素v安大 When will you come out! This Huang Sibi is Chi Guoguo's slander, waiting for you to slap her in the face and kill her. 】

[Huang Tirbi shouldn't feel too good about himself. We at Anda have never plagiarized, let alone plagiarized the writing of a third-rate writer like you. Isn't it obvious that you will lose your grade? 】

[Don't put gold on your face anymore. Quickly delete the V blog, or we will also send a lawyer's letter at that time! 】


Huang Sibi looked at the comments of netizens and put down her mobile phone. Although some people have seen through her thoughts, there are definitely not a few people who buy her own books. People are curious. She feels confidently that her book is to write It is better than "The Little Prince". When everyone reads the two books, they will naturally have a standard. From then on, everyone will remember themselves!

Shu Cheng was lazily leaning on the head of the bed, brushing the movement in his hand, the boy was chewing candy, with a faint smile on the corner of his bright red mouth, how could she not guess what Huang Sibi was thinking, but they were all small things. play tricks.

It’s just that when it comes to plagiarism, what the author industry is most afraid of is plagiarism. Once plagiarism, word of mouth will drop sharply.

After thinking about it, Shu Cheng still posted a V blog.

[An Zhiruosu v: According to Article 246 of the "Criminal Law": [crime of insult, defamation] who publicly insults others by violence or other methods or fabricates facts to slander others, if the circumstances are serious, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention, Regulate or deprive political rights. Huang Sibi, our lawyer's letter will arrive later. Prison food is waiting for you! 】

Domineering, self-willed, leaving no room for resistance.

[An Rumian: Hahahaha, here comes the good show, and the good show comes. 】

[Strong man, you have a long jj: There should be a book about boycotting pornography on the Internet. The lawyer's letter is not enough, I want to see more good shows! ! 】

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